2020-05-15 21:57:03
摘 要
关键词:水性聚氨酯 有机硅 改性
Research of Waterborne Polyurethane Modified by Organic Silicone
Waterborne polyurethane because of its low toxicity and environmental characteristics, thus making it has been widely used in polyurethane industry, leather finishing materials, and traditional solvent based polyurethane will be it replaced. But it belongs to reactive resin, in the actual use process, after finishing the fabric will become rough, and stiff. In order to improve the performance of waterborne polyurethane, we use the main chain is very soft silicone to modify waterborne polyurethane.
The polyether glycol, 2, 2,2-bis (hydroxymethyl) propionic acid (DMPA) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI) as the main raw materials by acetone method and pre poly body method to synthesis of waterborne polyurethane emulsion, and organic silicone oil on the were modified. The effects of the amount of (R) [n (NCO) n (OH)] and DMPA on the appearance and properties of aqueous polyurethane emulsion were investigated.The experimental results show that with the decrease of R value, the appearance and performance of waterborne polyurethane emulsion are better, the mobility of emulsion becomes better, and the storage period becomes longer; With the increase of the content of DMPA, the stability of waterborne polyurethane emulsion is better, but its water resistance is poor.By testing the storage stability and freeze-thaw stability of the synthetic emulsion, the properties of the silicone modified waterborne polyurethane emulsion were found.
Key words:Waterborne polyurethane organo silicon modified
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1聚氨酯 1
1.2水性聚氨酯 1
1.2.1水性聚氨酯的定义 1
1.2.2 水性聚氨酯的分类 1
1.2.3水性聚氨酯的制备 2
1.2.4水性聚氨酯乳液的乳化过程和乳液稳定机理 4
1.2.5水性聚氨酯的性能及其应用 4
1.2.6水性聚氨酯的改性 5
1.3有机硅改性 7
1.3.1硅的介绍 7
1.3.2有机硅的定义 7
1.3.3 有机硅的分类 7
1.3.4有机硅的应用 9
1.4本课题研究目的与意义 9
第二章 实验部分 11
2.1水性聚氨酯(WPU)的制备 11
2.1.1原料 11
2.1.2实验方法 11
2.2烷羟基硅油改性水性聚氨酯的制备 12
2.2.1实验原理 12
2.2.2 实验方法 13
第三章 实验结果与讨论 13
3.1三次工艺合成出来的乳液状态表现的分析 14
3.1.1三次工艺合成出来的乳液状态表现的分析 14
3.1.2放置一段时间后乳液状态表现的分析 14
3.2 乳液的性能测试 16
3.2.1储存稳定性 16
3.2.2冻融稳定性 16
3.3 R值对水性聚氨酯性能的影响 17
3.4 DMPA含量对乳液性能的影响 17
第四章 结论与展望 19
4.1 结论 19
4.2 展望 19
参考文献 20
致谢 22
第一章 文献综述
聚氨基甲酸酯简称为聚氨酯(PU)。它是一种高分子化合物,其聚合物内有相当多的氨基甲酸酯(-N H C O-)。德国首次合成出聚氨酯,并研究出聚氨酯耐低温性好,耐磨蚀性好,柔韧性好且附着力强,被人们广泛应用于泡沫塑料,皮革涂饰剂,建筑、油墨以及黏合剂等方面。目前,使用较多的是溶剂型聚氨酯,但这些含有大量有机溶剂的聚氨酯存在一定的缺陷性,并且对环境存在很大的污染,尤其是留存在双组分聚氨酯中的异氰酸酯单体,毒性很多,因而溶剂型聚氨酯的应用受到了很大的限制。人们对环境的保护意识的不断加强,一种无毒、不燃、绿色安全的新型聚氨酯材料-水性聚氨酯得到迅速崛起,并逐渐取代了传统的有机溶剂型聚氨酯。随着人们对水性聚氨酯研究的渐渐深入,在我们的日常生活中,水性聚氨酯已广泛应用于由溶剂型聚氨酯所涉及的领域,并且其优异的性能也已经得到了证实,在不久的将来,水性聚氨酯将越来越受到人们的认可[1]。