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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 轻化工程 > 正文


 2020-06-26 19:55:16  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1.#37240;#24615;#26465;#20214;#19979;#36879;#26126;#36136;#37240;#19982;GMA#21453;#24212;#24341;#20837;#21452;#38190;#65292;#28982;#21518;#20877;#36827;#34892;#27687;#21270;#24341;#20837;#37275;#22522;#12290; 2.#37240;#24615;#26465;#20214;#19979;#32858;#35895;#27688;#37240;#19982;GMA#21453;#24212;#24341;#20837;#21452;#38190;#65292;#28982;#21518;#20877;#19982;ADH#21453;#24212;#24341;#20837;#37232;#32956;#22522;#12290; 3.#21046;#22791;#19981;#21516;#22266;#20307;#21547;#37327;#30340;#27700;#20957;#33014;#12290; 4.#30740;#31350;#19981;#21516;#22266;#20307;#21547;#37327;#27700;#20957;#33014;#30340;#25104;#33014;#26102;#38388;#65292;#28342;#32960;#34892;#20026;#12290; 5.#20854;#23427;#23454;#39564;#20869;#23481;#12290;

2. 参考文献

[1] Alves M, Vieira N, Rebelo L, Ara鷍o J, Pereiro A, Archer M. Fluorinated ionic liquids for protein drug delivery systems: Investigating their impact on the structure and function of lysozyme. Int J Pharmaceut. 2017;526(1-2):309-320. [2] Koyamatsu Y, Hirano T, Kakizawa Y, Okano F, Takarada T, Maeda M. pH-responsive release of proteins frombiocompatible and biodegradable reverse polymer micelles. J Control Release. 2014;173:89-95. [3] Hariawala MD, Horowitz JR, Esakof D, Sheriff DD, Walter DH, Keyt B, Isner JM, Symes JF. VEGF improves myocardial blood #64258;ow but produces EDRF-mediated hypotension in porcine hearts. J Surg Res. 1996;63(1):77-82. [4] James AW, LaChaud G, Shen J, Asatrian G, Nguyen V, Zhang X, Ting K, Soo C. A review of the clinical side effects of bone morphogenetic protein-2. Tissue Eng B: Reviews. 2016;22(4):284-297. [5] Burdick JA and Murphy WL. Moving from static to dynamic complexity in hydrogel design. Nat Commun. 2012;3:1269. [6] Matsumura K, NakajimaN, Sugai H, Hyon SH. Self-degradation of tissue adhesive based on oxidized dextran and poly-L-lysine. Carbohyd Polym. 2014;113:32-38. [7] Kogan G, 妎lt閟 L, Stern R, Gemeiner P. Hyaluronic acid: a natural biopolymer with a broad range of biomedical and industrial applications. Biotechnol Lett. 2007;29(1):17-25. [8] Toole BP. Hyaluronan and its binding proteins, the hyaladherins. Curr opin cell boil. 1990;2(5):839-44. [9] Zawko SA, Schmidt CE. Crystal templating dendritic pore networks and #64257;brillar microstructure into hydrogels. Acta Biomater. 2010;6(7):2415-2421. [10] Fang JY, Chen JP, Leu YL, Hu JW. Temperature-sensitive hydrogels composed of chitosan andhyaluronic acid as injectable carriers for drug delivery. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2008;68(3):626-636.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

2018.01.01-2018.01.29#65306;#23436;#25104;#32858;#21512;#29289;#30340;#25913;#24615;#12290; 2018.02.28-2018.04.15#65306;#23436;#25104;#27700;#20957;#33014;#30340;#21046;#22791;#21450;#24615;#33021;#30740;#31350;#12290; 2018.04.15-2018.05.15#65306;#23436;#25104;#35770;#25991;#20889;#20316;#12290;

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