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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 资源环境科学 > 正文


 2020-04-16 16:35:53  

摘 要


本课题对来自南京林化所南京科技总公司的聚酰胺生产废水采用磁场叠加混凝技术进行处理以探究磁场叠加混凝技术的处理效果。经过试验验证,发现在未叠加磁场的情况下,在投加2600mg/L的PAC、以300 r/min搅拌5 min后以100 r/min搅拌20 min的情况下达到对水中COD最佳去除效果,去除率可达43.99%。而在叠加磁场进行磁化40分钟以后,混凝对COD去除效果得到了改善。其中,将磁场磁感应强度增大到200 mT时,COD去除率达到了51.99%。叠加磁场后,废水黏度也有明显下降,从而增强了沉降性能,在磁场强度高于200 mT时,虽然COD去除率基本不变,但絮体沉降速度得到了明显改善。

关键词:磁混凝 聚酰胺废水 水处理技术 磁场

Experimental Study on the Effect of Magnetic Field Superposition Coagulation on The Treatment of Polyamide Production Wastewater


As one of the most produced engineering plastics currently, a large amount of production wastewater is produced during polyamide’s production process, and the wastewater is difficult to be treated by conventional water treatment technologies due to its high organic content, complex composition and high nitrogen content.

This paper used the magnetic field superposition coagulation technology to treat the production wastewater from Nanjing Science and Technology Development Corporation, ICIFP to explore the treatment effect of the magnetic field superposition technology on the wastewater. After experimental verification, it was found that in the case of no superimposed magnetic field, the best removal effect of COD in the water was achieved while the dosage of PAC was 2600 mg/L, the rapid stirring time was 5 minutes, and the slow stirring time was 20 minutes. The rate of the removal of COD could reach 43.99% in this case. After 40 minutes of magnetization in the superimposed magnetic field, the effect of coagulation on COD removal was improved. When the magnetic induction intensity of the magnetic field was increased to 200 mT, the removal rate of COD reached 51.99%. After the superimposing of magnetic field, the viscosity of the wastewater also decreased significantly, which enhanced the sedimentation performance. When the magnetic induction intensity was higher than 200 mT, although the removal rate of COD was basically unchanged, the sedimentation velocity of the flocs was significantly improved.

Key words: magnetic coagulation; polyamide wastewater; water treatment technology; magnetic field


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 聚酰胺废水概述 1

1.1.1 聚酰胺废水来源 1

1.1.2 聚酰胺废水特点 2

1.1.3 聚酰胺废水危害 2

1.2 磁场在环保领域应用 3

1.2.1 磁场在水处理中应用 3

1.2.2 磁场在其它环保领域应用 4

1.3 聚酰胺废水处理技术研究进展 5

1.3.1 物理法 5

1.3.2 化学法 5

1.3.3 生物法 6

1.4 研究意义及内容 8

1.4.1 研究目的及意义 8

1.4.2 研究内容 8

第二章 试验部分 9

2.1 试验用水水质 9

2.2 试验试剂及仪器 9

2.3 试验方法 10

2.3.1 单因素实验 10

2.3.2 正交试验 11

2.3.3 叠加磁场试验 11

2.4 分析指标及分析方法 12

2.4.1 COD 12

2.4.2 黏度 12

2.4.3 pH值 12

第三章 结果与讨论 13

3.1 试验相关原理 13

3.1.1 混凝理论 13

3.1.2 磁场理论 14

3.2 单因素实验 14

3.2.1 PAC投加量影响 14

3.2.2 PAM投加阶段影响 17

3.2.3 PAM投加量影响 18

3.3 正交实验 19

3.3.1 慢搅时间影响 20

3.3.2 PAC投加量影响 20

3.3.3 快搅时间影响 21

3.3.4 沉降性能 22

3.4 叠加磁场试验 22

3.4.1 磁场对黏度影响 23

3.4.2 磁场对COD去除率影响 24

3.4.2 磁场对沉降性能影响 25

第四章 结论与展望 29

4.1 结论 29

4.2 展望 29

4.2.1 在工程应用方面的展望 29

4.2.2 在试验探究方面的展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 35

附录 36

第一章 绪论

1.1 聚酰胺废水概述


1.1.1 聚酰胺废水来源

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