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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 资源环境科学 > 正文


 2020-04-16 16:35:35  

摘 要


本论文将设计通过包裹法制备Fe-Mn复合磁改性凹凸棒土,并通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、比表面积测试法(BET)对其进行结构表征,同时采用振动样品磁强计(VSM)进行磁性评估,并研究其对水中重金属离子Pb2 的吸附能力和与水溶液的分离能力。



关键词:凹凸棒土 磁改性 吸附 铅离子

Preparation and properties of magnetically modified attapulgite


Attapulgite has been applied in the water treatment field widely due to its low price, wide sources and excellent adsorption properties. The attapulgite can improve its adsorption performance through various modification.At present, there are many methods to modify, such as purification, high temperature, acid and alkali, organic modification and so on.However, attapulgite has good colloidality and chemical stability in water. After adsorption saturation, it is difficult to separate from solution. The study of magnetically separable attapulgite has been studied and paid attention to widely now.

This paper will design through the package of of Fe-Mn composite magnetic modified attapulgite, and through the scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), specific surface area test (BET), characterization of its structure, at the same time using vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) magnetic assessment, and to study the adsorption of Pb2 of heavy metals in water and aqueous solution with the separation of ability.

Through SEM analysis, the surface of the attapulgite after magnetic modification is uniformly loaded with fine particles of iron-manganese oxide; through the XRD pattern, it can be seen from the characteristic diffraction peak that the surface of the attapulgite has been loaded with iron-manganese oxide; by BET analysis, the specific surface area of magnetically modified attapulgite increased slightly. Through VSM analysis, it can be seen that the modified attapulgite has obvious ferromagnetism and a saturation magnetization of 15.85 emu/g.

The results of kinetic experiments show that the adsorption rate of lead ions by modified attapulgite is very fast, and the adsorption equilibrium can be reached in 90 minutes. The saturated adsorption capacity is 81.54 mg/g. After fitting, it is found to be more consistent with the quasi-second order dynamic equation.The equations show that the adsorption of lead ions on magnetically modified attapulgite is dominated by chemical adsorption.

The results of thermodynamic experiments show that the adsorption capacity of Fe-Mn composite magnetically modified attapulgite adsorbent increases with the increase of temperature. It can indicate that the process absorbs heat spontaneously. The effect of temperature change on the adsorption process was significant.The influence is more significant. The fitting finds that the adsorption process is more in line with the Langmuir equation, indicating that the adsorbent adsorbs lead as a monolayer chemical adsorption process.

Keywords:Attapulgite;Magnetic modification;Adsorption;Pb2


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 凹凸棒土介绍 1

1.2 凹凸棒土改性的研究进展 1

1.3 磁改性吸附剂研究进展 3

1.4 本论文的研究意义和内容 4

第二章 实验部分 5

2.1 实验试剂及仪器 5

2.2 实验方法 5

2.2.1 凹凸棒土的磁改性 5

2.2.2 溶液配制实验 6

2.2.3 吸附动力学实验 6

2.2.4 吸附热力学实验 7

2.2.5 固液分离实验 8

2.3 分析和测定 8

2.3.1 吸附剂表征 8

2.3.2 铅的测定 8

2.3.3 吸附量计算 9

第三章 结果与讨论 10

3.1 Fe-Mn复合磁改性凹凸棒土吸附剂的表征 10

3.1.1 Fe-Mn复合磁改性凹凸棒土吸附剂SEM图分析 10

3.1.2 Fe-Mn复合磁改性凹凸棒土吸附剂XRD分析 11

3.1.3 Fe-Mn复合磁改性凹凸棒土吸附剂BET分析 12

3.1.4 Fe-Mn复合磁改性凹凸棒土吸附剂VSM分析 12

3.2 吸附动力学实验 13

3.3 吸附热力学实验 16

3.4 固液分离实验 17

第四章 结论与展望 19

4.1 结论 19

4.2 展望 19

参考文献 21

致谢 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 凹凸棒土介绍



1.2 凹凸棒土改性的研究进展




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