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 2020-04-16 16:35:00  

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2. 参考文献

1. 鲁栋梁, 夏璐: 重金属废水处理方法与进展. 化工技术与开发 2008, 37(12):32-36. 2. Gonz#225;lez, M. A.; Pavlovic, I.; Barriga, C., Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) sorption on different layered double hydroxides. A kinetic and thermodynamic study and competing factors. Chem. Eng. J. 2015, 269, 221-228. 3. 艾翠玲, 雷英杰, 张国春, 樊雪梅: 纳米铁氧化物吸附处理重金属废水的研究进展. 化工环保 2015, 35(6):593-598. 4. Zubair, M.; Daud, M.; McKay, G.; Shehzad, F.; Al-Harthi, M. A., Recent progress in layered double hydroxides (LDH)-containing hybrids as adsorbents for water remediation. Applied Clay Science 2017, 143, 279-292. 5. 李晓丽: 聚合物基新型复合吸附材料的制备及对水体中重金属污染物的吸附性能研究. 2013. 6. 刘敏敏, 于水利, 侯立安: 重金属废水处理技术概述. 中国工程科学 2014, 16(7):100-105. 7. Liang, X.; Zang, Y.; Xu, Y.; Tan, X.; Hou, W.; Wang, L.; Sun, Y., Sorption of metal cations on layered double hydroxides. Colloids Surf. Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 2013, 433, 122-131. 8. Zhang Q, Pan B, Zhang W, Pan B, Lv L, Wang X, Wu J, Tao X: Selective removal of Pb (II), Cd (II), and Zn (II) ions from waters by an inorganic exchanger Zr (HPO3)2. J Hazard Mater 2009, 170(2):824-828. 9. Dong D, Nelson YM, Lion LW, Shuler ML, Ghiorse WC: Adsorption of Pb and Cd onto metal oxides and organic material in natural surface coatings as determined by selective extractions: new evidence for the importance of Mn and Fe oxides. Water Res 2000, 34(2):427-436. 10. Hua M, Jiang Y, Wu B, Pan B, Zhao X, Zhang Q: Fabrication of a new hydrous Zr(IV) oxide-based nanocomposite for enhanced Pb(II) and Cd(II) removal from waters. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2013, 5(22):12135-12142. 11. Plasma‐Enabled Exfoliation of Ultrathin Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets with Multivacancies for Water Oxidation. Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, (30), 1701546. 12. 卫志宏, 吕兴菊, 王正芳: 载铁活性炭的制备及对水中 P (V) 的吸附性能研究. 昆明理工大学学报 (自然科学版) 2012, 2:014. 13. 石中亮, 刘富梅, 姚淑华: 活性炭负载 Fe (Ⅲ) 氧化物去除水中的磷酸根. 新型炭材料 2011, 26(4):299-306. 14. Baikousi M, Daikopoulos C, Georgiou Y, Bourlinos A, Zbo#345;il R, Deligiannakis Y, Karakassides MA: Novel Ordered Mesoporous Carbon with Innate Functionalities and Superior Heavy Metal Uptake. J Phys Chem C 2013, 117(33):16961-16971. 15. Zhang, Q.; Du, Q.; Hua, M.; Jiao, T.; Gao, F.; Pan, B., Sorption enhancement of lead ions from water by surface charged polystyrene-supported nano-zirconium oxide composites. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013, 47, (12), 6536-6544.

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