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 2022-03-01 20:24:53  


摘 要



关键词:污水处理 倒置A2/O 污泥处理 选型设计

Design of 120 thousand m3/d domestic sewage treatment process


This graduation project is the design, calculation and design of a municipal waste water treatment plant with an average daily processing capacity of 120 thousand tons. The total coefficient of variation of sewage is 1.2, so the maximum amount of sewage treatment is 144 thousand tons per day.Process design using the A2/O inversion method, the process is simple and practical, widely used in urban sewage treatment plants in China, good treatment effect, high stability, low cost, and good effect of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, the effluent quality reached the design requirements of the "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard" (GB18918-2002) a B emission standards, and to improve water quality.The sewage treatment process is a grid grit tank - primary sedimentation tank - inverted A2/O process - two sink - contact tank, and finally discharged through a metering weir. The excess sludge treatment process is concentrated in the first, nitrification, dehydration, and finally made of mud cake transported to the burning power plant for power generation.Through the above process, you can reach the "municipal wastewater treatment plant pollutant emission standards" (GB18918-2002) level B emission standards.

The grille is using rotary grille machine, respectively, the coarse grid and the fine grid, dual-use equipment; sewage pumping station is built by the pumping station, four by two, water pool area is 62.5m2 effective depth of 2m; sand pit using flat flow sand pool, a total of four seats, pool length 12.5m, effective the depth of 0.417m; the primary settling tank with horizontal flow type primary settling tank, a total of five seats, precipitation part depth 4m, pool length 36m; anoxic tank two, volume 6000m3, anaerobic pool two, volume 6000m3, aeration tank by aeration, the equipment for RG-400 blower, a total of two, volume 9100m3; the amplitude flow type two sedimentation tank two sedimentation tank, a total of four seats, the diameter of 37m, the effective depth of 3.3m; the five contact tank corridor type advection chlorine contact tank, a total of two seats, corridor width 16.66m, depth 2m; sludge thickening tank diameter is 9.02m, a total of 1; sludge dewatering by DY -1000 belt press filter, a total of two.

Key words: municipal wastewater; sewage treatment plant; inverted A2/O; sludge treatment




一.处理目的和任务 1

1.1设计规模 1

1.2城市自然状况 1

1.3污水水质 1

1.4水量换算表 2

二.处理方案的比选 3

2.1工艺比选 3

2.2工艺流程 4

三.工艺设计和计算 5

3.1进水闸门 5

3.2格栅 5

3.2.1格栅的设计计算 5

3.3污水提升泵房 9

3.3.1设计概述 10

3.3.2集水间计算 10

3.3.3水泵总扬程估算和校核 11

3.4沉砂池 11

3.4.1沉砂池的选型 11

3.4.2沉砂池的设计计算 11

3.5初沉池 16

3.5.1初沉池的选型 16

3.5.2初沉池的设计计算 16

3.6倒置A2/O工艺 20

3.6.1工艺流程和选择理由 20

3.6.2缺氧池的设计计算 20

3.6.3厌氧池的设计计算 21

3.6.4好氧池的设计计算 22

3.7二沉池 29

3.7.1二沉池的作用 29

3.7.2二沉池的设计计算 29

3.7.3污泥回流泵房 33

3.7.4进出水设计 34

3.8接触消毒池 36

3.8.1设置消毒池的原因 36

3.8.2消毒池的设计计算 36

四.污泥处理 39

4.1污泥处理的目的 39

4.3污泥处理的设计计算 39

4.3.1污泥浓缩的设计计算 39

4.3.2污泥脱水 43

五.污水厂的布置 45

5.1污水厂的平面布置 45

5.1.1概述 45

5.1.2平面布置的一般原则 45

5.1.3污水厂平面布置的具体内容 45

5.2污水厂的高程布置 46

5.2.1污水厂高程布置的主要任务 46

5.2.2污水厂高程布置原则 46

5.3高程计算 46

5.3.1高程计算的原理 46

5.3.2污水处理系统高程计算 46

5.3.3污泥处理系统高程计算 48

5.4污水泵房的设计 49

5.4.1泵房的平面布置 49

5.4.2泵房附属设施 49

参考文献 51

致谢 53








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