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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 资源环境科学 > 正文


 2022-01-29 19:07:25  


摘 要

本论文中,以UV光学氧化技术为基础,通过控制变量法确定了静态条件最佳深度氧化条件:双氧水浓度为998.58mg/L,紫外灯管最佳反应功率为50W,反最佳应时间为120min。然后将实验动态化,得到下进上出的动态实验效果,通过二分法及正交分析,确定了最佳深度氧化条件为:双氧水浓度为998.58mg/L,紫外灯管反应功率为50W,反应时间为3h。处理后的污水厂尾水的COD值为45.69 mg/L,氨氮去除率为68.9%。将得到的污水厂尾水添加活性炭纤维过滤及超声波降解。通过测定集成技术处理后尾水的COD值和氨氮去除率来确定UV氧化技术集成深度处理的效果。通过动态实验确定UV氧化深度处理的最优条件:双氧水浓度为998.58mg/L,反应功率为50W,反应时间为140min,活性炭表面积为0.155 m2,超声功率为400 W。COD值可以降至到33.43mg/L,氨氮去除率为77.1%。因此,在不产生污泥危废、不产生有害副产物、适应性广、环境友好等优点的前提下,采用UV氧化深度集成技术进一步提高氧化技术,降低污水厂尾水处理成本,确保尾水直接稳定排放,提供了良好的应用前景。

关键词:UV 深度氧化 污水厂尾水 活性炭 超声

UV Oxidation Advanced Treatment of Tail Water in Wastewater Treatment Plant of Chemical Industry Park


In this paper, based on UV optical oxidation technology,dichotomous determination of the optimum dosage of H2O2 under static conditions, UV lamp power,orthogonal analysis, determined the best depth of oxidation conditions: the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 998.58mg/L,UV lamp reaction power 50W,reaction time is 3h.Then dynamize the experiment,got the dynamic experiment effect,Dichotomy and Orthogonal Analysis,The optimum conditions for deep oxidation were determined as follows:the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 998.58mg/L, UV lamp reaction power was 50W, and reaction time was 3h.The COD value of tail water after treatment was 45.69 mg/L, and the ammonia nitrogen removal rate was 68.9%.Finally, the tail water of the wastewater treatment plant was added with activated carbon fiber filtration and ultrasonic degradation.The effect of integrated depth treatment of UV oxidation technology was determined by measuring the COD value and ammonia nitrogen removal rate of tail water after treatment with integrated technology.The optimum conditions for advanced UV oxidation treatment were determined by dynamic experiments: the concentration of hydrogen peroxide is 998.58mg/L, reaction power was 50 W, reaction time was 3 h, activated carbon surface area was 0.155 m2, and ultrasonic power was 400W.The COD value can be reduced to 33.43 mg/L, and the ammonia nitrogen removal rate is 77.1%.It can further improve the oxidation technology and reduce the tail water treatment cost of the sewage plant to ensure that the tail water can be directly and steadily discharged, and provide good conditions without generating the hazardous wastes of sludge, harmful by-products, wide adaptability, and environmental friendliness. Application prospects.

KEYWORDS: UV deep oxidation sewage plant tail water activated carbon Ultrasound techn

目 录

摘 要 I


目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2尾水深度处理技术进展 1

1.2.1物化法 1

1.2.2化学氧化法 2

1.2.3生物絮凝法 3

1.2.4生态法 3

1.3 光化学氧化技术进展 4

1.3.1 UV/H2O2高级氧化 4

1.3.2 UV/催化湿式氧化 4

1.3.3 UV/O3组合氧化技术 5

1.3.4 存在问题 5

1.4研究内容及意义 6

第二章 实验基础 7

2.1药剂及仪器 7

2.2实验水样 8

2.2 实验设计 8

2.2.1 静态实验设计 8

2.2.2 动态实验设计 8

2.3 实验测试方法 9

2.4 实验装置 9

第三章 静态条件下降解生化尾水的影响因素 10

3.1 H2O2投加量对生化尾水过滤液COD的影响 10

3.2 H2O2投加量对生化尾水过滤液氨氮的影响 11

3.3 紫外线功率对生化尾水过滤液COD和氨氮的影响 12

3.4 本章小结 14

第四章 动态条件下降解生化尾水的影响因素 15

4.1水力停留时间对尾水过滤液COD和氨氮的影响 15

4.2本章小结 17

第五章 动态条件下降解生化尾水的促进因素 18

5.1 UV H2O2 活性炭纤维对生化尾水过滤液COD和氨氮的降解效果 18

5.2 UV H2O2 活性炭纤维 超声波对生化尾水过滤液COD和氨氮的降解效果 20

5.2.1 超声波功率对尾水过滤液COD的影响 20

5.2.2超声功率对尾水过滤液氨氮的影响 21

5.3 本章小结 22

第六章 结论与建议 24

6.1 结论 24

6.2 建议 24

参考文献 25

致谢 27

第一章 绪论








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