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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 资源环境科学 > 正文


 2021-12-25 15:42:09  


摘 要




Design of 50000 m3 / Durban Sewage Treatment Plant in a Town of a City in Northern Jiangsu Province


This design is aimed at the design of domestic sewage treatment in a town of a city in Northern Jiangsu. The main purpose is to concentrate the domestic sewage in the town to the sewage treatment plant for treatment, so that the effluent of COD, BOD5, SS, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus and total nitrogen can be discharged into the natural water body only when it meets the class I a discharge standard of discharge standard for pollutants in urban sewage plant (GB18918-2002). The natural conditions of the city: the annual average temperature is 14.6 ℃, the maximum temperature is 37.2 ℃, the minimum temperature is - 8.6 ℃; the annual rainfall is 1005.6mm; the dominant wind direction is southeast wind in summer, northwest wind in winter, no spontaneous source, and the intensity is below grade 4. The freezing depth of soil is 0.24M. Groundwater level: 3.2m from the surface on average. The sewage is directly transported into the grid room of the sewage treatment plant by the pipe with the diameter of 1200mm. The elevation of the inner bottom of the pipe is 50.80m and the filling degree is 65%. The highest water level of sewage discharge water body is 48.50m, the normal water level is 47.20m, and the lowest water level is 46.12m. The plant area is considered as flat terrain, with an average elevation of 54.40m.

The water quality entering the sewage treatment plant: cod is 230-380mg / L, BOD5 is 140-210mg / L, SS is 230-260mg / L, NH3-N is 28-35mg / L, TN is 42-58mg / L, TP is 2.2-4.6mg/l, pH is 6-9. At present, the activated sludge process is basically used in urban sewage treatment plants in China. Because the treatment plant has requirements for nitrogen and phosphorus removal, oxidation ditch process or a / A / O process can be selected for the activated sludge process. A / A / O process is selected as the core process in this design. The process flow of sewage treatment is as follows: domestic sewage - grid room - lifting pump room - primary sedimentation tank - A / A / O reaction tank - radial flow sedimentation tank - contact disinfection tank - effluent; the process flow of sludge treatment is as follows: radial flow sedimentation tank - sludge concentration tank - belt filter Press - mud cake outward transportation.

Key Words:Sewage treatment plant; activated sludge process; A / A / O process; sewage treatment process; sludge treatment process.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1国内污水处理现状及存在问题 1

1.2污水处理的工艺介绍及国外活性污泥法发展 1

1.3确定污水处理工艺的方法 2

第二章 设计任务书 4

2.1设计题目 4

2.2设计工程概述 4

2.3设计内容及要点 4

2.3.1设计内容 4

2.3.2设计要点 4

2.4设计任务 5

第三章 工艺的比选及确定 6

3.1工艺的比选 6

3.1.1核心工艺的选择 6

3.1.2泵房的选择 7

3.1.2沉淀池的选择 7

3.1.3消毒池的选择 8

3.2工艺的确定 8

3.3工艺流程 8

第四章 污水处理部分设计计算书 10

4.1格栅设计计算 10

4.1.1设计参数 10

4.1.2设计计算 10

4.2提升泵房设计计算 13

4.2.1确定流量 13

4.3.2估算扬程 13

4.3.3计算扬程 13

4.3.4集水池容积计算 14

4.3初沉池设计计算(斜板) 14

4.3.1设计参数 14

4.3.2设计计算 14

4.4A/A/O反应池设计计算 16

4.4.1设计参数 17

4.4.2设计计算 17

4.5二沉池设计计算(斜管式) 23

4.5.1设计参数 23

4.5.2设计计算 23

4.6消毒池设计计算(接触式) 25

4.6.1设计流量 25

4.6.2设计计算 25

第五章 污泥处理部分设计计算书 27

5.1污泥浓缩池设计计算(连续式中心传动) 27

5.1.1设计参数 27

5.1.2设计计算 27

5.2带式压滤机 28

5.2.1设计参数 28

5.2.2设计计算 29

第六章 水厂平面和高程布置 30

6.1水厂平面布置 30

6.2水厂高程布置 30

致 谢 33

参考文献 34

  1. 绪论




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