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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 资源环境科学 > 正文


 2021-12-21 21:14:26  


摘 要


本设计是某市日处理10万吨污水的城市污水处理厂工艺设计。污水的进水水质为CODcr为400mg/L;BOD5为230mg/L;SS为280mg/L;NH3-N为25mg/L;总磷为4.0 mg/L;总氮为35 mg/L。其出水水质要求达到国家《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB 18918-2002)》中城市二级污水处理厂的一级B标准,在有效去除有机物、悬浮物的同时也要求有较好的脱氮除磷效果。经过对当今各类污水处理工艺的综合研究比对并结合经济可行性,最终确定最合适该中型污水厂的二级处理工艺为CAST工艺,深度处理工艺为混凝沉淀后过滤。此工艺流程占地面积小,费用合适;剩余污泥量少,污染物去除效果理想;运行方便。在此基础上完成各处理构筑物的设计计算,设计的最后绘制处污水厂平面图、高程图、管线图及主要构筑物。

关键词:污水处理 脱氮除磷 CAST工艺

Process design of 100000 t/d sewage treatment plant in G City


The limited natural resources on the earth are decreasing day by day, and water resources are also included in it. The limited water resources are suffering from human pollution, so the treatment of sewage is an urgent problem to be solved by the government and enterprises.

This design is the process design of sewage treatment plant with a daily treatment capacity of 100000 tons in G city. Influent quality of sewage: CODcr is 400mg / L; BOD5 is 230mg / L; SS is 280mg / L; NH3-N is 25mg / L; total phosphorus is 4.0mg/l; total nitrogen is 35mg / L. The effluent quality shall meet the discharge standard of class A and class B in the national discharge standard for pollutants from urban sewage treatment plants (GB 18918-2002), in addition to the effective removal of organic matter and suspended matter, it is also required to have better nitrogen and phosphorus removal effect. After the comprehensive study and comparison of various sewage treatment processes at this stage, combined with economic feasibility, it is finally determined that the most appropriate secondary treatment process for the medium-sized sewage plant is CAST process, and the tertiary treatment process is coagulation sedimentation and filtration process. The process has the advantages of small floor area, appropriate cost, less excess sludge, high pollutant removal rate and convenient operation. On this basis, the design calculation of each treatment structure is completed, and the plan, elevation, pipeline and main structures of the sewage plant are drawn at the end of the design.

Key Words: Sewage disposal; Nitrogen and phosphorus removal; CAST process

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 工艺论证 1

1.2.1 二级处理工艺比选 1

1.2.2 深度处理工艺比选 3

1.2.3 除磷方案论证 4

1.2.4 消毒方案论证 4

1.2.5 污泥处理工艺比选 5

1.2.6 污泥处置方案论证 5

第二章 处理方案设计 6

2.1 设计资料 6

2.1.1 项目概况 6

2.1.2 水质指标 6

2.2 水质特性分析 6

2.3 处理程度分析 7

2.4 工艺流程 7

第三章 处理构筑物设计计算 9

3.1 设计流量的确定 9

3.2 一级处理构筑物设计计算 9

3.2.1 泵前中格栅 9

3.2.2 提升泵房 11

3.2.3 泵后细格栅 12

3.2.4 沉砂池 14

3.3 二级处理构筑物设计计算 16

3.3.1 CAST生化池 16

3.3.2 鼓风机房 25

3.4 三级处理构筑物设计计算 25

3.4.1 混凝剂的投加与混合 25

3.4.2 网格絮凝反应池 28

3.4.3 斜管沉淀池 31

3.4.4 转盘滤池 33

3.4.5 除磷药剂的配制与投加 34

3.5 污泥处理系统设计计算 36

3.5.1 集泥池 36

3.5.2 污泥浓缩池 36

3.5.3 贮泥池 38

3.5.4 污泥脱水 38

3.6 消毒渠设计计算 39

3.7 巴氏计量槽 40

第四章 工程布置 43

4.1 平面布置 43

4.1.1 平面布置一般原则 43

4.1.2 污水厂设施组成 43

4.1.3 平面布置 44

4.2 高程布置 46

4.2.1 高程布置任务 46

4.2.2 高程布置一般原则 46

4.2.3 污水处理构筑物高程布置 46

4.2.4 污泥处理构筑物高程布置 52

参考文献 56

致 谢 57

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言



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