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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 资源环境科学 > 正文


 2020-07-14 22:07:04  

摘 要




关键词:城镇污水 氧化沟 污水处理厂 污泥

Design of domestic sewage treatment process in S town


According to the overall planning of S town in a city in North Jiangsu, this design is a process design of a municipal sewage treatment plant with a daily average processing capacity of 160 thousand M3. The total coefficient of sewage change is 1.2, that is, the maximum amount of treatment is 198 thousand m3/d. The treated effluent reaches the first class B emission standard of the municipal sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard (GB18918-2002).

The design process is the oxidation ditch blast aeration method, the process is simple, the treatment effect is good, the stability is high, the operation cost is low, and the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus removal is better. The performance of the system shows that the degradation rate of BOD reaches 95% to 98%, the degradation rate of COD reaches 90% ~ 95%, so the 2000 type of the oxidation ditch of the Carlo is used.

After entering the sewage treatment plant, the sewage is filtered through four groups of grille and then to the horizontal flow grit chamber as a first stage treatment. Followed by the kaloer oxidation ditch, the aeration treatment is beneficial to biological flocculation, make the activated sludge easy to settle, remove nitrogen and phosphorus from the sewage, and then pass into the circular radial flow two sedimentation tank to make two precipitation, so that the sludge is separated, the mixed liquid is clarified, concentrated and reflued to the living sludge, and the effluent is poured into the chlorine disinfection pool. The final disinfection process is used to kill the pathogenic microorganism in the treated sewage as a two stage treatment. Finally, the measurement weir was discharged. The sludge treatment part is concentrated first, the digestive reaction is carried out, the dehydration treatment is carried out at the end, and the remaining mud cake is transported, which can be used for resource utilization and sanitary landfill.

The structure of the sewage treatment plant is intensive, highly automated and convenient to manage.

Keywords: urban sewage oxidation ditch sewage treatment plant sludge


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1简介 1

1.2城镇生活污水现状 2

1.2.1城镇生活污水特点 2

1.3 城镇生活污水主要处理工艺 3

1.3.1物理处理技术 3

1.3.2物化处理技术 4

1.3.3生物处理技术 4活性污泥法 4生物膜法 4生物滤池技术 4

1.4城镇生活污水处理工艺发展趋势 5

1.4.1城镇生活污水处理难点 5

1.4.2城镇生活污水工艺处理原则 5

1.4.3城镇生活污水处理发展趋势 5

第二章 设计任务概述 6

2.1设计规模 6

2.2城市自然状况 6

2.3设计水量及水质 7

2.4设计原则 7

第三章 处理工艺和构筑物的比选 9

3.1处理工艺的选择 9

3.1.1污水处理工艺选择 9

3.1.2污泥处理工艺 11

3.1.3工艺流程图: 11

3.2其他构筑物的选择 12

3.2.1格栅 12

3.2.2沉砂池 12

3.2.3初沉池和二沉池 13

3.2.4氧化沟 13

3.2.5消毒池 14

3.2.6浓缩池 14

3.2.7消化池 15

3.2.8污泥脱水 16

第四章 污水处理设计计算书 17

4.1粗格栅设计 17

4.2污水提升泵房设计 20

4.3细格栅设计 21

4.4沉砂池 24

4.5氧化沟工艺 27

4.5.1污水处理程度计算 27

4.5.2池体尺寸计算 28

4.6污泥相关计算 31

4.7二沉池设计 32

4.8接触消毒池 35

第五章 污泥处理设计 37

5.1污泥浓缩池设计 37

5.2污泥投配池设计 38

5.3污泥消化池设计 39

第六章 污水处理厂总体布置 41

6.1平面布置 41

6.1.1平面布置原则 41

6.1.2处理厂附属建筑面积 41

6.2高程布置计算 42

6.2.1构筑物水损取值 42

6.2.2污水管道水利损失 42

6.2.3污水高程计算 44

6.2.4污泥管道设计计算 45

参考文献 46

第一章 绪论




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