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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 港口航道与海岸工程 > 正文


 2021-03-11 00:50:22  

摘 要




In order to develop better in the new era, China began to improve the port system, port investment and financing mechanisms have undergone enormous changes: enterprises to increase investment and financing port; financing channels abound. The rapid development of the port by the multi-party attention, attracting more and more investment, led the economic development of other industries. However, the port requires a lot of capital investment, the time required to obtain a longer income, investment projects more risky.Port of the new project, or the port of the original investment decision-making value-added plan, have affected the enterprise itself and the future development of the port, and even the port changes on the city has no small influence.At this time, in order to rational use of limited resources, port enterprises should assess the project to make effective and reasonable investment and financing decisions, because it can enhance the economic efficiency of port enterprises, but also improve the value of enterprises, but also on regional economy, Even the national economy has a positive effect. The choice of good program to maximize the benefits of port projects, so the port investment and financing decisions are very important.Based on this situation, this paper attempts to simulate the port investment and financing decision-making process. System dynamics can dynamically simulate the operating mechanism of the market, and the port industry market changes are capricious, it is difficult to find clear changes in the law, so the system dynamics can be very good for the study of the port market.In this paper, taking Ningbo Port investment and financing as an example, two financing schemes are designed. The system dynamics model is established by vensim software. The results are analyzed, and the two schemes are compared and the relative optimization and investment program.

Key Words:Port infrastructure;Project Evaluation;Investment and financing decisions;System Dynamics;

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 港航基础设施建设 1

第2章 交通项目的评估 3

2.1 项目的概念 3

2.1.1 项目的分类方法 3

2.1.2 项目投资管理周期 3

2.2 项目评估的概念 3

2.2.1 项目评估的内容 3

2.2.2 项目可行性研究概念 4

2.2.3 项目可行性研究的内容 4

2.2.4 项目评估与可行性研究的关系 4

2.2.5 项目评估的程序 5

2.2.6 交通项目评估特点 5

2.2.7 项目投资决策程序 6

2.2.8 项目评估在投资决策中的作用 6

2.2.9 各阶段评估的要求 6

2.3 项目评估的作用 6

2.4 项目周期中各阶段的评估工作 7

第3章 港口投融资决策 8

3.1 港口投融资决策分析及评价的内容 8

3.2 港口投融资决策的必要性 8

3.2.1 港口投资建设所需的资金巨大和港口资源的有限性 8

3.2.2 港口投资项目建设的技术复杂性和投资经济效益的不确定性 8

3.3 港口投融资决策的影响因素 9

3.3.1 国家政策和体制的约束 9

3.3.2 资本市场的发展 9

3.3.3 建设项目的规模和类型 9

3.3.4 投融资方案的差异 9

3.3.5 风险因素 9

3.4 港口投融资决策的财务评价指标 10

第4章 在港资金使用评价系统动力学模型构建 11

4.1 系统动力学的适用性分析 11

4.2 港口融资资金使用系统动力学模型构建 11

4.2.1 模型分解 11

4.2.2 因果关系图 12

4.2.3 投融资分析系统流图 13

第5章 设计模拟方案 14

5.1 投融资方案拟定 14

5.2 投融资方案的系统流图 14

5.3 主要参数 21

5.3.1 主要参数的确定 21

5.3.2 腹地国民生产总值和对外贸易额 22

5.3.3 GDP生成系数和贸易生成系数 22

第6章 结论 25

6.1 模型结果及综合分析 25

6.1.1 模型模拟结果 25

6.1.2 综合分析 31

6.2 后续研究 31

参考文献 33

致谢 34

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景


1.2 国内外研究现状

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