2022-07-30 16:23:42
Ferry Environmental Impact
(Page 11-Page20)
3.2 Recommended noise thresholds, low-frequency noise
The recommended noise limits for low-frequency noise are formulated as the A-weighted level of noise in a moderate frequency
range indoors. For the purpose of documentation as well as control, if any, the calculated noise level is used, cf. para. 3.4.
The recommended threshold values for the impact of lowfrequency noise indoors in a dwelling or other noise-sensitive room - near the route - are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Recommended limits for low-frequency noise (dB re 20FPa) from high-speed ferries in route. The noise limits apply to the maximum level indoors - averaged over a period of two minutes where the noise is heaviest.
3.3 Recommended noise thresholds, general noise
No single recommended threshold value has been issued which is to be observed everywhere but, in contrast, a number of threshold values that depend on the general application and noise-sensitivity of the areas where the noise occurs. A high-speed ferry route is required to comply not only with noise limits that apply to the area around the harbours which the ferry calls at - but along the entire route. In this connection it should be noted that in many cases high-speed ferries emit considerably more noise at service speed than during harbour manoeuvres. Therefore large areas along the route can be affected by the noise.
Noise limits for a high-speed ferry depend on the noise-sensitivity of the areas the high-speed ferry will pass when navigating the route. To achieve approval of a high-speed ferry route the Owner must therefore obtain a list of the various noise-sensitive types of area on the route (according to Table 2).
If such a list is unavailable from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, the Owner must obtain the list from the municipalities the high-speed ferry will pass when navigating the route, including harbour manoeuvres.
The recommended noise limits - relating to the overall noise impact and the maximum noise level from high-speed ferries navigating the route, measured outdoors in various noise-sensitive types of area - are shown in Table 2.
Table 2.
3.4 Documentation of noise impact
The noise impact from a high-speed ferry route must be determined by calculation - in connection with documentation of the noise impact when applying for environmental approval as well as in connection with any subsequent control. The calculations should be based on measurement of the source strength of the ferry under the relevant operating conditions. In most cases the source strength of the ferry for the purpose of calculating low-frequency noise and general noise can be determined from the same measurements.
Measurement of the source strength of the ferry is carried out in accordance with the principles laid down in para. 7.3 of Guidelines of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency No. 5/1993. For lowfrequency noise these matters are dealt with in the Appendix.
The distance from the ferry route to each noise-sensitive area or building is determined and used as the basis for calculating the outdoor noise level in accordance with the instructions in para. 5 of Guidelines of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency No. 5/1993. This permits the LAFmax to be determined. For the purpose of calculating the LDEN the itinerary of the ferry must also be known, in that the number of passages per 24-hour period and the time of each passage are relevant. The level of low-frequency noise is calculated, basically, in the same manner as the LAFmax - except that the noise level is adjusted to the indoor level, averaged over a period of two minutes in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Appendix.
Measurements and calculations must be carried out by a laboratory approved by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency for “environmental measuring - external noise”, or an accredited laboratory. The laboratory must have been accredited by DANAK or an accreditation agency recognised by DANAK.
3.4 Glacier Bay (Underwater) Noise Limit
The US National Park in Glacier Bay Alaska is presently looking for ways to reduce vessel-generated noise in the bay. At the time of this writing this project is still at the stage of gathering background noise data, in order to determine if a problem exists. The Park officials are taking a very careful approach and are not willy-nilly imposing new regulations, but they are, quite correctly, attempting to preserve all aspects of the environment for the park#39;s marine mammals. One possible solution to the underwater noise issue would be to customize operating requirements for individual ships and encourage companies to send their quietest ships to Glacier Bay.
This is indicative of the recent rise in awareness of noise as a type of pollution.
3.5 US EPA Air Pollutant Regulations
The US EPA has issued a number of regulations setting limits on the exhaust emissions of domestic service gasoline (Spark Ignition) and diesel (Compression Ignition) marine engines. They have not issued any rules for steam (boilers) or gas turbine marine engines and for the foreseeable future do not intend to regulate these forms of marine propulsion.
The gasoline engine rules focus primarily on two-cycle engines and for the most part seek a reduction in hydrocarbon exhaust emissions while actually allowing a slight increase in NOx. However gasoline engines of the size regulated by the EPA are probably not found in any great quantity on the types of vessels we are talking about in this paper.
EPA rules for marine diesel engines are found in two separate rule
CHris B.McKesson,PE Bill Remley,PE Zvi Karni
适用 |
A加权声压级(10 160hz),dB |
生活空间,包括儿童的机构等 |
晚上(下午6点至上午7点) |
25 |
白天(上午7点至下午6点) |
30 |
办公室,教室和其他类似的噪音敏感的房间 |
35 |
商业经营的其他房间 |
40 |
使用区域: |
LAFmax |
公共用途的住宅区和噪音敏感建筑物(学校、医院、疗养院等) |
55 |
70 |
露天景观中的分散建筑 |
55 |
70 |
自由经营场所(酒店、办公室等) |
60 |
75 |
休闲过夜区(周末的房子,公园,露营地点等) |
50 |
65 |
其他娱乐场所(不过夜) |
55 |
70 |
高速渡轮路线的噪音影响必须从计算文件确定影响后,申请环境审批,以及与之的任何后续控制。计算应根据测量的源强度的渡轮相关的操作条件下。在大多数情况下,用于计算低频噪声和一般噪声的目的的渡轮的源强度可以从相同的测量中确定。根据para7.3对该市环境保护局5号/ 1993指南的原则,对渡船的源强度进行测量。低频噪声的这些事情在附件处理。从渡轮路线到各噪声敏感区或建筑物的距离,确定并用作计算室外噪音水平的依据丹麦环境保护署指南第5号/ 1993。这允许LAFmax待定。为计算LDEN,渡轮的行程也必须知道的,和每24小时通道数和每个通道的时间相关。低频噪声水平计算,基本上以同样的方式为LAFmax计算,除了噪声电平调整到室内的水平,每二分钟按附录的指南记录。测量和计算必须由丹麦环境保护局批准的实验室进行“环境测量-外部噪声”或认可的实验室,实验室必须通过或认可机构认可的DANAK DANAK认证。
3.5.1 37千瓦以下新型船用柴油机-EPA规则新的船用柴油机37千瓦以下的都包含在非道路柴油机最终规则23十月1998。这些规则对NMHC排放污染物为推进和辅助发动机排放限值(非甲烷碳氢化合物)、NOx(氮氧化物)、CO(一氧化碳),和PM(颗粒物)。本规则所涵盖的船用柴油机不设烟限,根据发动机功率的一级规则,这些发动机在1999和2000是有效的。第二级(更严格的排放限制)规则将在2004和2005成为有效的取决于发动机马力。表2总结了37千瓦以下发动机柴油机排气排放规则和其有效日期。
Ref(美国环境保护署,“控制空气污染排放非道路柴油发动机;最后的规则”联邦登记,40 CFR部分9,86,89,63卷,205号,1998.10.23)
发动机功率 |
层 |
年款 |
NMHC排放 |
CO |
PM |
kWlt;8 (hplt;11) |
1 |
2000 |
10.5 |
8.0 |
1.0 |
2 |
2005 |
7.5 |
8.0 |
0.8 |
8le;kWlt;19 (11le;hplt;25) |
1 |
2000 |
9.5 |
6.6 |
0.8 |
2 |
2005 |
7.5 |
6.6 |
0.8 |
19le;kWlt;37 (25le;hplt;50) |
1 |
1999 |
9.5 |
5.5 |
0.8 |
2 |
2004 |
7.5 |
5.5 |
0.8 |
3.5.2 功率在37千瓦以上的新型船用柴油机-EPA规则新的船用柴油机或37千瓦以上都包含在1999.12.29制定的发表在联邦登记最终规则。这些规则涵盖了高达30升/缸排量新的海洋推进和辅助柴油发动机,船艇柴油机被免除本规则制定。这些规则规定了THC(总碳氢化合物),氮氧化物,CO和PM的排放量的排放限制,本规则所涵盖的船用柴油机不设烟限。没有限制设置曲轴箱排放,但规则确实要求他们发动机进气口燃烧或其他的废气排放量测量,如果他们发动机排气流直接到大气中。不同于非道路规则,这些规则调用二级标准要求,生效日期在2004到2007之间,这取决于发动机的大小。见表3超过37千瓦发动机的有效日期。
Ref(美国环境保护署,“控制新的37千瓦或以上的CI船用发动机的空气污染排放量,最终规则”,40 CFR第89部分,第92,94卷,1999.11.23)
类别 |
排量(升/缸) |
开始日期 |
氮氧化物 THC(1)(g/kW-hr) |
PM (g/kW-hr) |
CO (g/kW-hr) |
1 |
功率ge;37kw disp lt; 0.9 |
2005 |
7.5 |
0.4 |
5.0 |
0.9le; disp lt; 1.2 |
2004 |
7.2 |
0.3 |
5.0 |
1.2 le; disp lt; 2.5 |
2004 |
7.2 |
0.2 |
5.0 |
2.5 le; disp lt; 5.0 |
2007 |
7.2 |
0.2 |
5.0 |
2 |
5.0 le; disp lt; 20.0 |
2007 |
7.8 |
0.27 |
5.0 |
15.0 le; disp lt; 20.0, 功率 lt; 3000 kW |
2007 |
8.7 |
0.5 |
5.0 |
15.0 le; disp lt; 20.0, 功率 ge; 3000 kW |
2007 |
9.8 |
0.5 |
5.0 |
20.0 le; disp lt; 25.0 |
2007 |
9.8 |
0.5 |
5.0 |
25.0 le; disp lt; 30.0 |
2007 |
11.0 |
0.5 |
5.0 |
3.5.3 改造方案-新的EPA规定将显著的导致非道路用柴油机排放减少,但也在影响某些国家必须寻求从现有的柴油发动机减少对城市的空气污染对国家减污做出贡献。EPA正在考虑将其城市公交项目的改造/重建计划扩展到包括海洋在内的其他重型柴油机。该计划将建立在设备和程序由城市公交程序证明额外的减排设备认证基础上(Ref“重型柴油减排项目改造或重建项目”,美国EPA,EPA 420r-99-014,1999.6)。更多对EPA规则现状的细节和更新,包括国际海事组织附则VI规则,读者可访问环保局的网站:http://www.epa.gov/oms/marine.htm
3.6 IMO空气污染物法规
国际海事组织(IMO)已完成“防止船舶空气污染条例”附则VI的国际防止船舶造成污染公约(MARPOL)73 / 78,也已提交各成员国政