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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-12-12 13:38:52  


摘 要


本文以南槽航道为主要研究对象,从安全评估和通航能力两个方面来研究狭水道的航行方法。首先在南槽航道的水文条件基础上,进行通航环境的全面分析,总结航道现状、事故发生情况以及交通流规模。在安全评估方面,采用国际海事组织通用的FSA(Formal Safety Assessment)综合安全评估框架,对南槽航道存在的航行安全问题进行分析,并结合已有的理论方法和面对的具体情境,分别从环境、交通和船舶自身三个方面入手,给出风险控制建议。针对解决南槽航道通行效率的问题,根据目前南槽航道参数,利用时空消耗模型做出数值分析,计算理想条件下单位时间南槽航道可以容纳船舶航行的数量,开展南槽航道通航能力的研究,为提升通航效率予以理论支持。综合南槽航道通航安全和实际通过能力进行分析,最终得出狭水道航行的一般性方法:狭水道航行需要船舶对航道内的风险因素提前进行评估并做出正确决策,在航行水域受限的时候合理避开拥挤交通流,并根据不同船舶的需求进行错峰航行。论文最后,在结论的基础上给出了改进方法和下一步的研究方向。本次研究不只针对南槽航道,很多狭水道都有着极其重要的通航价值,通过本次的研究结论,指导船舶狭水道安全航行,提高狭水道的通航效率,促进航运业乃至国际贸易的发展,让水上运输行业向着更好的方向发展。



Narrow channel is usually refers to the limited width and depth of channel, close traffic, ship maneuvering difficulties, make the ship sailing on the narrow channel is easily happened safety accident, therefore in the "Convention on the international regulations for preventing collision set sea" of the narrow waterway navigation have special terms and conditions to determine the collision liability, narrow waterway navigation method usually with the aid of predecessors experience, coupled with specific navigation environment is given. Is the Yangtze estuary waterway connecting the Yangtze river and the sea water transport hub, is important channel of the development of the Yangtze river delta and even the Yangtze river economic belt, is a golden waterway, with huge economic value as it has been a busy waterway, waterway shipping contacts within, especially in the main channel of the north deep-water channel its capacity is close to saturation, and the auxiliary channel south channel under the channel regulation project, further enhance navigation ability, for the north channel, the south channel as the research object, through the two aspects of safety assessment and navigation ability to research the narrow waterway navigation method.

First of all, we do to the hydrological conditions of the south channel detailed survey, for its channel present situation, the accident situation and traffic flow has made the summary and research, at the time of safety evaluation, the FSA comprehensive safety assessment framework of the commonly used by the international maritime organization, to the south channel navigation safety problems were analyzed, and the advanced experience and combining with the existing recommendations decision and the specific situation, for solving the problem of the south channel traffic efficiency, under the condition of the south channel, using space-time occupation model to make numerical analysis, for the south channel navigation ability have a specific judgment, only by making a concrete judgment on the actual navigable capacity of the south channel can the shipping value of the channel be fully explored. Finally, we draw the conclusion of narrow channel navigation. Based on the analysis of the south channel, we give the improvement method and further research direction.

Key Words:Narrow channel;space-time occupation model;accident analysis;safety assessment


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2研究内容与研究方法 2

1.2.1研究内容 2

1.2.2研究方法 2

第2章长江口南槽航道现状分析 4

2.1 航道水文 4

2.1.1潮汐 4

2.1.2潮流 5

2.1.3水深分布 5

2.1.4泥沙 5

2.2航道特点 5

第3章长江口南槽航道航行分析 7

3.1 长江口南槽航道船舶航行基本情况 7

3.2事故调查报告分析 7

3.3南槽航道综合安全评估 8

3.3.1 FSA综合安全评估 8

3.3.2南槽航道航行安全的定性评估 9

第4章长江口南槽航道交通流分析 13

4.1 基于时空消耗模型的通航分析 13

4.1.1时空消耗模型 13

4.1.2时空消耗模型参数 13

4.1.3南槽航道交通流情况 14

4.2错峰通过南槽航道的可行方法 16

4.2.1南槽航道的时空模型计算 16

4.2.2提高南槽航道利用率分析 16

第5章结论与展望 18

5.1 结论 18

5.2展望 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义




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