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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-06-23 20:09:37  


摘 要


关键词: 公共危机管理 信息公开 政府

Research in the public crisis management of

China government information disclosure problems


From the SARS epidemic sweeping the country sackings and to talk about birds flu event color change spread,from north Guangdong causes various snow transportation slowed to a near standstill south Sichuan compatriots snowstorms,to thousands of lives that we cannot forget with the it,crisis in bring decrypting deadly consequences such as stymied test a Chinese nation's nerves. In such grim background,the public crisis management system has also threatens to cause the attention of the Chinese government. Based on some of the crisis happened in recent years event handling process studies,we discovered in our government information openness of many practices still exist some disadvantages,and many times,failing to provided to the public by the master of the general public and effective information cannot be accurately and timely understand crisis situations,delay the handling of the crisis best events,caused a disaster to upgrade. In addition,the official not through the appropriate way to publish accurate information,also cause all sorts of false news rapidly spreads,has attracted public panic,then aggravate the severity of the crisis. This article is on the basis of crisis information theory learning measure of the foreign crisis of the information public. This study analyzes the typical cases in China to find the main problems of information publicity of our government in the crisis management. Again, there are the concrete analysis of the main cause and made and policy proposals to improve our public information of the crisis. It can improve administration system of regularizing behavior, the operation coordination, fair and transparent, clean and efficient. It is requirement to build service government, responsibility government and rule of law government.

Key words: Public Crisis Management ;Information Disclosure ;Government


摘 要 I

Abstract II

引 言 1

一、公共危机管理中政府信息公开概述 2

(一)公共危机与公共危机管理的内涵 2

(二)政府信息和政府信息公开的内涵 3

(三)政府信息公开在公共危机管理中的作用 4

二、公共危机管理中政府信息公开的现状 6

(一)公共危机管理中政府信息公开的制度建设 6

1.以抗击 SARS 为开端的政府危机信息报告制度 .............6

2.以《政府信息公开条例》为标志的信息公开法制化 6

3.政府信息公开机制基本形成 6

(二) 我国近年来公共危机管理信息公开的实践 7

1.信息公开的时间 8

2.信息公开方式 8

3.虚假信息公开 9

4.公众反应 9

三、我国公共危机管理中政府信息公开的问题以及原因分析 11

(一)政府危机管理信息公开的主要问题 11

1.信息公开缺乏主动性 11

2.信息公开缺乏时效性 11

3.信息公开缺乏完整性 12

4.信息公开缺乏客观性 12

(二)我国公共危机管理中政府信息公开问题原因分析 12

1.主体因素 12

2.环境因素 13

3.技术因素 14

四、完善我国公共危机管理信息公开的基本策略 16

(一)国外的经验借鉴 16

1.增强公众的公共危机意识 16

2.建立公共危机信息管理系统 16

3.完善相关法律法规 17

4.实现政府与媒体间的良性互动 18

(二)我国政府危机管理信息公开的对策分析 18

1.政府危机管理信息公开的原则 18

2.政府危机管理信息公开的具体对策 20

结 语 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 27


浩瀚的历史长河承载着人类数千年的发展与变迁,孕育了人类璀璨辉煌的文明,同时也携卷着危机与灾难无数次光顾人类社会。进入 21 世纪,灾难伴随着现代化的脚步接踵而至,一次又一次的公共危机事件不断向人类提出了挑战,从2001 年美国“9.11”事件和炭疽感染、2003 年 SARS 疫情、2009 年 4 月墨西哥和美国等国接连爆发大规模猪流感疫情;还有全球气候变暖,大气、水质、土地的污染,海啸、地震、台风、各种干旱雨雪灾害,以及一波又一波的疫病疫情,充分说明我们处于一个高风险性的时代,世界进入了“风险社会”。


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