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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-05-12 21:20:46  


摘 要

“小官巨贪”是一种新的腐败现象,具有隐蔽性特点,小官们凭借手中权力,在基层疯狂敛财,危害巨大,严重损害党和国家形象。目前“小官巨贪”现象日益引起党和国家的高度重视。 通过“小官巨贪” 研究探寻其发生的原因,可以对国家治理“小官巨贪”提供针对性、合理化建议,有效解决腐败问题。因此,研究““小官巨贪””现象的危害及其治理对策有重要意义。


关键词: “小官巨贪” 监管缺位 跨国追逃

The phenomenon of "small officer corrupt" management countermeasures


Small arch corrupt official is a new kind of corruption phenomenon, has a hidden features, small officers by virtue of their power, at the grassroots level crazy enrichment, great harm, serious damage to the image of the party and the state. The small arch corrupt official "phenomenon has aroused the attention of the party and country. Through a small arch corrupt official study to find the reasons that can provide for, rationalization proposals, effectively solve the problem of corruption of national governance "small arch corrupt official.

Therefore, there are important hazards and Countermeasures of small arch corrupt official "phenomenon,Firstly from the small arch corrupt official definition, characteristics, harm and the significance of the research of combined with "small government big typical case analysis, induction of" small government big dangers. According to the current situation of the small arch corrupt official, in-depth analysis of the small arch corrupt official and occurred. According to official corruption, a small loss, lack of supervision, power control and other reasons and puts forward the concrete measures of governance "small arch corrupt official, such as increasing punishment and prevention of minor official corruption, increase cross-border pursuit and other measures, to further strengthen the management of the civil service, control the abuse of power, for the benefit of the public.

Key Words: Small arch corrupt official ; Absence of supervision ; Multinational pursuit

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、“小官巨贪”现象的相关概述 1

(一)“小官巨贪”的含义、特点 1

1.“小官巨贪”的含义 1

2.“小官巨贪”的特点 1

(二)“小官巨贪”研究背景与研究意义 2

1.“小官巨贪”研究背景 3

2.研究意义 3

二、“小官巨贪”的典型案例分析及启示 5

(一)典型案例 5

1.小官第一贪——“水霸”马超群 5

2.窝案代表——“土地奶奶”罗亚平 5

(二)案例启示 5

1.贪污金额巨大 5

2.权利过于集中产生腐败 6

3.集体腐败严重。 6

三、“小官巨贪”的危害、问题及原因分析 7

(一)“小官巨贪”的危害 7

1.对政府的公信力的危害 7

2.危害国家和人民的财产 7

3.动摇党和国家的根基 8

4.不利于社会稳定和谐 8

(二)“小官巨贪”突出的问题 8

1.对“小官”权利监管的不到位和不重视 8

2.对“小官巨贪”的惩治手段不健全 8

3.对“小官巨贪”的预防工作不到位 9

(三)“小官巨贪”产生的原因分析 9

1.官德丧失 9

2.监管缺位 9

3.权力失控 9

4.职位含金量高 10

四、“小官巨贪”的治理对策建议 11

(一)加强贪污小官的管理 11

1.严厉执行“一案两查”制度 11

2.完善跨国追逃的国际合作 11

(二)加大对“小官巨贪”的惩治力度 11

1.没收全部财产 11

2.亲属连带惩罚 12

(三)“小官巨贪”的预防措施 12

1.开展宣传教育 12

2.完善监督体系 12

3.提高腐败成本 13

4.动员社会力量参与监督 13

结 语 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 18








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