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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-05-12 21:19:03  


摘 要



关键词:贫困家庭 社会救助 政府责任

Research on Governmental Responsibility of aiding poor families


With the deepening of china’s reform and opening up, increasing social gap between rich and poor, the poor family’s problem appeared continuously. Poor families are the disadvantaged groups of society, from the social development, for assistance to other vulnerable groups can reflect social fairness and justice and the bottom line. In terms the functions of the government, helping poor families is the responsibility of the government. In the face of the plight of poor families, further study of government responsibility in the poor family assistance have important significance to solve poor families’ problem, improve the living standards of the poor families and promote social harmony.

This article study of a large number of references firstly, based on the relevant theory of society and analysis of the current government helping status of poor family, combing the practical problems of poor families. For example, poor family income is low; children from poor families go to school is difficult; poor families seeing patient have difficulty. Further analysis of fulfillment of government in assistant responsibilities of a poor family, such as bailout funds inefficiency, the low level of social security, information is not public, etc exist in the government rescue of the poor family. Combined with the foreign relevant experience and lessons and enlightenment, put forward the strategy of strengthening the government aid., such as, strengthening consciousness of the government responsibility, improving the housing security system, perfecting the new farming and other aspects to put forward countermeasures of strengthening government rescue responsibility,to promote the solutions of the problem of poor families, and promote the pace of building a harmonious society.

Key words: poor family; social assistance; governmental responsibility

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、贫困家庭救助中的政府责任研究概述 1

(一)研究背景与研究意义 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)相关研究概念界定 2

1.贫困家庭 2

2.贫困代际传递 2

(三)政府责任的相关概述 3

1.政府责任的内涵 3

2.政府责任的内容 3

(四)研究涉及的相关理论依据 4

1.社会保障理论 4

2.责任政府理论 5

二、目前我国贫困家庭面临的主要问题分析 6

(一)贫困家庭的现实难题 6

1.收入低于平均水平 6

2.受教育程度低 6

3.贫困家庭成员的健康堪忧 6

4.家庭成员就业难 6

5.城市贫困家庭住房拥挤 7

(二)贫困家庭致贫原因分析 7

1.社会保障体系的不健全 7

2.社会资源分配不公 7

3.缺乏劳动技能 7

4.因子女学费致贫 8

5.农村自然条件恶劣 8

三、贫困家庭救助中的政府履责问题分析 9


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