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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-02-25 19:46:41  


摘 要


关键词:独生子女 家庭养老 计划生育 老龄化

Problems and Counter measures of Family Support for the Only Child in China


At the beginning of the founding of our country, due to the lack of labor, the Government to encourage more students, resulting in China's population showing explosive growth. In the early 1980s, the demographic dividend subsided and the population was burdened. China began to consciously control the population growth, the one-child policy has also been promulgated, the national standard of living has improved. However, in the aging of the population today, the pension problem has become the community had to face the problem. How to really let the old people have to rely on, always rely on by the government, society, academics attach great importance. From the farming age, home pension has always been a solid pension model, the old people will still make a decision to live together with their children. Older parents' pension status depends largely on the income level of the only child. "421" family structure, reduced family size and outreach risk will become the normal situation of future families. On the basis of the analysis of the related concepts, theories, present situation and characteristics of the one-child family's old-age pension, this paper analyzes the daily care, economic security, spiritual comfort and other pressure of our country's only child family, and then from the government, children and The old man's point of view to propose a solution.

Key Words: Only child ;Family pension;Family planning;Aging


中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

绪论 1

(一)选题背景 1

(二)选题意义 1

1.理论意义 1

2.实践意义 2

一、相关概念界定及理论依据 3

(一)独生子女的概念 3

(二)独生子女家庭的概念 3

(三)养老的概念 3

(四)理论基础 3

1.马斯洛的需要层次理论 3

2.家庭生命周期理论 4

3.社会交换理论 4

二、我国独生子女家庭养老现状及特点 5

(一)独生子女政策的影响 5

1.独生子女政策的优势 5

2.独生子女政策的劣势 5

(二)我国独生子女家庭养老现状 6

1.物质保障方面 6

2.生活照料方面 6

3.精神生活方面 6

(三)我国独生子女家庭养老的特点 7

1.家庭结构缩小 7

2.独生子女父母提前进入空巢期 7

3.独生子女成为家庭核心 7

三、我国独生子女家庭养老的问题及缘由 8

(一)我国独生子女家庭养老的问题 8

1.独生子女的经济保障问题 8

2.独生子女日常照料父母的问题 9

3.独生子女的父母缺乏精神慰藉的问题 9

4.对独生子女的压力 10

(二)独生子女家庭养老问题的缘由 10

1.医疗保险制度缺失,养老金储备不足 10

2.人口的流动 11

3.传统孝道观念的淡化 11

4.养儿防老观念的作祟 12

四、解决我国独生子女家庭养老问题的对策 13

(一)从政府的层面看 13

1.加强医疗方面的补助,完善医疗保险制度 13

2.加强社区作用,建立动态监督管理机制 13

3.加强养老机构的建设,提高服务质量 14

4.修改计划生育政策,提倡二胎政策 14

(二)从老人的层面看 14

1.改变养老金储蓄意识 14

2.改变养老观念 15

3.多参加群体活动,锻炼身体 15

(三)从子女的层面看 15

1.多为老人参保,减轻负担 15

2.鼓励老人多参加群体性活动 15

3.精神上给予老人慰藉 15

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 21


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