2022-02-20 19:40:56
摘 要
关键词:医疗大数据 政府 医患矛盾 化解
A Study on the Government 's Solution to the Contradiction between Doctor and Doctor in Medical Data
In recent years, China's doctor-patient conflicts occur frequently,doctor-patient relationship comes into a state of tension,it seriously affects the construction of a harmonious society.The reason for the contradiction between doctors and patients is the unfair distribution of medical resources, excessive medical care and information asymmetry between doctors and patients.At the same time, with the development of Internet technology, big data gradually penetrate into the medical and health services, medical data industry is in the ascendant. It changes the traditional way of medical care and brings new opportunities for the medical industry . It also provides the possibility to improve the current tension between the doctor-patient relationship.However, we have to solve a series of problems during the development of medical data .
This paper uses literature research,case analysis and comparative analysis,combined with the theory of contradiction, public conflict and other multi-disciplinary theory.It analyzes the causes of the contradiction between doctors and patients and the problems encountered in the construction of medical data, and puts forward solutions from the government point of view. The purpose is to improve the doctor-patient relationship, build a harmonious and healthy medical environment.
Key Words: Medical data;Government;Doctor-patient contradiction;Solve
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、相关概念及理论概述 1
(一)核心概念界定 1
1.大数据 1
2.医疗大数据 1
3.医患矛盾 1
(二)相关理论基础 2
1.矛盾论 2
2.社会冲突理论 2
(三)医患矛盾的现状 2
(四)医疗大数据的现状 3
(五)发展医疗大数据的意义 3
1.解决医疗资源配置问题 3
2.为临床决策提供支持 4
3.对疾病进行监测与预报 4
二、医疗大数据背景下医患矛盾原因分析 5
(一)数据缺失导致医疗资源分配不均 5
(二)数据共享不足导致过度医疗 6
(三)医患之间存在信息不对称 7
(四)法律法规存在缺陷 7
(五)政府在运用大数据时出现的问题 8
1.医疗信息系统缺乏统一标准 8
2.医疗信息挖掘利用率不高 8
3.医疗数据的安全性有待加强 8
三、政府利用医疗大数据化解医患矛盾的路径选择 9
(一)利用大数据合理配置医疗资源 9
1.合理规划医疗资源 9
2.落实分级诊疗制度 9
3.加大对医疗行业的财政投入 10
(二)完善医疗大数据共享体系 10
1.统一医疗大数据标准 11
2.加强市民医疗数据的隐私保护 11
3.加快医疗数据人才队伍建设 11
4.加大建设投入力度 12
5.以市民需求为导向 12
(三)健全相关法规体系 12
(四)拓宽医患之间沟通渠道 13
1.搭建医院内医患交流平台 13
2.建立患者满意度调查数据管理机制 13
3.建立医患互评机制 13
结语 15
参考文献 16
致谢 19