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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-01-28 22:31:32  


摘 要



关键字:居民参与 基层民主 社区治理

On the problems and Countermeasures of urban community residents' participation in Community Governance -- taking the Q community in Nanjing as an example


Since the reform and opening up, the level of urbanization in China has been continuously improved, and the city's grassroots management system has gradually improved to a more reasonable and reasonable "community system" with the weakening of the unsound "unit system" and the disintegration of the "street living system"change. In the process of government reform and social transformation and development, at the same time, with the increasing willingness of urban residents to participate in community governance, the governance model of urban community governance is gradually shifting towards a model of residents' participation in governance, with more emphasis on the participation of residents. In the near future, residents' participation in community governance will become the mainstream and goal of governance in China's community building.

This paper takes "the problems and Countermeasures of urban community residents to participate in community governance" as the research topic, taking the Q community in Nanjing as a case study, in-depth community field investigation, through interviews with community managers, management team managers of enterprise retirees and three community ordinary residents to discuss the current community autonomy. We should learn from the research experience at home and abroad, and explore and analyze the countermeasures to solve the problems. This paper adopts literature, interview, case law and other methods to carry out research.

KeyWords: Resident participation;Democracy at the grass-roots;Community Governance


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

一、源起 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1.选题背景 1

2.选题意义 1

(二)文献综述 2

1.国外文献研究综述 2

2.国内文献研究综述 3

3.理论基础 4

(三)研究设计 4

1、设计思路及优点 4

2、不足之处 5

二、中国社区居民参与治理的模式与实践 6

(一)参与式治理——沈阳市春河社区 6

1、治理结构 6

2、缺陷 6

(二)混合型模式——汉江 7

1、治理结构 7

2、缺陷 7

(三)“一会(分)两站”型模式——深圳盐田区 8

1、治理结构 8

2、缺陷 8

三、南京Q社区居民参与治理现状分析 10

(一)社区概况 10

(二)运行机制 11

1.坚持党建引领,发挥社区党委核心领导作用. 11

2、坚持民主协商,提升社区参与治理能力. 11

3、加强居民参与,积极引进和培育各类社会组织. 12

(三)社区活动及居民参与 12

(四)居民参与社区治理 14

四、南京市Q社区居民参与治理存在的问题以及原因分析 16

(一)政府长期处于越位、缺位的状态 16

1、政府角色越位:行政色彩较浓 16

2、政府角色缺位:制度化建设不完善 16

(二)居民有效参与不足 17

1、参与主动性不高 17

2、参与范围不广 18

3、参与程度不深 18

(三)社会组织的动员能力有待提高 19

五、完善居民参与治理的对策研究 20

(一)减少政府干预,完善社区居民参与机制 20

(二)提升社区服务水平,创新社区活动 20

(三)提升居民素质,增强居民的参与意识和能力 21

(四)增强社会组织宣传引导能力,加强居民参与 21

六、 结语 23

参考文献 24

致谢 26



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