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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-01-28 22:15:48  


摘 要



关键词:突发事件 网络舆情 政府应对

The Formation of Internet Public Opinion in the Emergency and the Government's Response

Taking red, yellow and blue incidents as examples


In recent years, China's Internet has made rapid development, especially since the emergence of new online media such as WeChat and Weibo has profoundly affected all aspects of society. Online media has become an important channel for public expression of public opinion and for the concentration of people's wisdom. After the occurrence of emergencies, the rapid spread of the Internet, the extensive participation of the general public and the resulting Internet public opinion reflect the general trend of social conditions and public opinions to a certain extent. However, in the event of an unforeseen incident, Internet public opinion is often apt to show irrationality in the absence of effective “gatekeepers”, which is not conducive to the resolution of incidents, disrupts normal social order, and even causes more serious damage. Although China’s government has many years of experience in responding to emergencies on the Internet, due to the complex and volatile network environment and the continuous emergence of emergencies, the government has to face more challenges and pressures, and there are still many problems.

This article defines the concept of emergencies and network public opinion through the study and understanding of basic theories, and explores and studies the subject from the perspective of government governance theory and government crisis management theory; on the basis of facts, it has far-reaching impact in 2017. The typical red-yellow-blue incidents are taken as an example to illustrate that there are four stages in the formation and evolution of emergencies' network public opinion; combined with case studies, the current government's deficiencies in the governance of emergencies and the causes of network public opinion are discussed; As the “gatekeeper”, the government is in a dominant and dominant position and puts forward feasible countermeasures and proposals at the system, consciousness, and action levels.

Key words:Emergencies;Internet public opinion;government response


摘要 I

Abstract II

一、相关概念及理论基础 1

(一)相关概念 1

1. 突发事件 1

2. 网络舆情 1

3. 网络舆论 1

(二)理论基础 2

1. 政府危机管理理论 2

2. 政府治理理论 2

二、突发事件中网络舆情的形成演化——以红黄蓝事件为例 4

(一)事件回顾 4

1. 潜伏期 4

2. 初始阶段-形成期 5

3. 发酵阶段-高潮期 5

4. 平息阶段-衰退期 5

(二)突发事件网络舆情的影响因素 6

1. 网络信息传播的推动 6

2. 涉及公众利益诉求和共性情绪 6

3. 意见领袖的推动 7

4. 主体回应相对时滞 7

三、红黄蓝事件中政府应对的问题及原因分析 8

(一)存在问题 8

1. 情况通报回应生硬 8

2. 信息不对接 8

3. 网络舆情引导失当 9

(二)原因分析 9

1. 环境影响 9

2. 机制缺陷 9

(1)缺乏专门职能部门和长效规划 9

(2)法律法规建设滞后 10

3. 监管缺位 10

4. 公信力不足 11

四、 政府有效应对的对策 12

(一)制度层面 12

1. 健全网络舆情监测机制和预警机制 12

2. 建立及时透明的信息公开制度 13

3. 加强对网络平台的监管 13

(二)意识层面 13

1. 明确在舆情中的角色定位 13

2. 提高研判准确性 14

(三)行为层面 14

1. 专业人才培养及优化 14

2. 加强宣传引导 14

结束语 16

参考文献 17

致谢 20






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