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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-01-16 19:38:52  


摘 要



关键词:政务微博 网络舆论 政府公关

Difficulties and Countermeasures of Public Relations of Internet Public Opinion in Government Microblog—— Take the Xiangshui Explosion as an Example


With the emergence of the Internet, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the dissemination of information.The rise of the media has once again changed the way people communicate. Anyone can become a source of information. Public opinion has begun to play a huge role. Democracy has deepened. This brings new challenges to the government management, also put forward higher request to the government public relations. In 2009, Sina Weibo was officially launched. The frequent emergencies of public events on Weibo sounded an alarm to the government. Government micro-blogs registered one after another. They began to play a part in various public events and public opinion. Government departments at all levels conduct public opinion and public relations activities through government micro-blogs, effectively guide public opinion and quell sudden crisis of public opinion, so as to establish a good government image and improve administrative efficiency.

The full text consists of seven parts, the first part is the introduction of the article, which mainly explains the research background and significance of this topic, combing and analysing the current research situation, research ideas and research methods of government micro-blog network public opinion in China; the second part is the elaboration of related concepts and theories of this topic; the third part is the elaboration of government micro-blog in government network public opinion and public relations work. The fourth part takes the case of Xiangshui explosion as an example to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of relevant government micro-blog in the work of network public opinion and public relations; the fifth part is based on the Xiangshui incident to analyze several major difficulties in the work of public opinion and public relations of government micro-blog in China; the sixth part is based on the deficiencies and current situation of public opinion and public relations of government micro-blog, to put forward improvement countermeasures. The last paragraph is a summary.

Key Words: Government Microblog; Network Public Opinion; Government Public Relations

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

绪论 1

(一)研究背景与意义 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)研究基本思路与研究方法 2

1.研究思路 2

2.研究方法 2

一、相关概念和理论依据 4

(一)相关概念阐述 4

1.政务微博 4

2.网络舆论 4

3.政府公共关系 5

(二)相关理论依据 5

1.“议程设置”理论 5

2.“政府形象”理论 6

二、政务微博在政府网络舆论公关中的价值 7

(一)提供信息公开的新平台 7

(二)使政民沟通更加高效 7

(三)塑造新的政府形象 8

(四)进行舆情的收集和反映 8

三、政务微博舆论公关现状——以响水爆炸事故为例 9

(一)响水爆炸事件概况 9

(二)响水爆炸事件中政务微博舆论公关的可取之处 10

1.反应速度及时,积极掌握话语主动权 10

2.公关博文发布的阶段性、时效性、针对性强 10

(三)响水爆炸事件中政务微博舆论公关的不足之处 11

1.信息发布质量参差不齐 11

2.博文内容存在缺陷 12

3.政务微博影响力、服务力不足 12

四、政务微博舆论公关的难点 14

(一)政务微博舆论引导不足 14

1.信息发布不及时 14

2.信息内容不完善 14

(二)政务微博舆论公关方式不灵活 15

1.语言风格呆板,博文形式单一 15

2.“禁、删、堵”的舆论应对手段刚性化 15

(三)政务微博管理不到位 16

1.政务微博自身定位不清晰 16

2.政务微博各自为政,信息发布散乱 16

五、完善政务微博舆论公关的对策 17

(一)政务微博管理规范化 17

1.成立专门的管理部门和公关团队 17

2.设立规范的信息发布标准 17

3.建立健全政务微博舆论公关的评估体系 18

(二)政务微博舆论公关方式灵活化 18

1.树立服务理念,增加沟通互动 18

2.积极、巧妙应对负面舆论 19

(三)完善舆论危机公关机制建设 19

1.建立健全微博舆论危机预警和监测机制 19

2.建立健全新闻发布制度 20

3.建立档案库,形成政府舆论公关反馈机制 20

结语 21

参考文献 22

致谢 25






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