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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-01-05 21:13:20  


摘 要


关键词:公共服务 公共就业服务 多元治理

On the optimization of China's public employment service system


Based on the theory of new public administration and the theory of multiple governance, this paper uses the methods of literature research and comparative research to analyze the system level and function setting level of public employment service system in China. After the research, we found that: in the security system of the public employment service system, there are some problems, such as the lack of financial support and human resources to ensure the provision of public employment services; the lack of unified and effective five-level management system and legislative system in the management system is not perfect; there are some problems in the organizational system, such as the single main body of the organization and the weak foundation of the grass-roots organization system. Some measures are put forward, such as strengthening the investment of the government and social organizations in the public employment service, establishing the allocation efficiency and performance evaluation target of the government purchasing public employment training from social organizations. At the level of setting up the function of public employment service, this paper analyzes on the lack of dynamic management of unemployment registration, the lack of long-term management of employment assistance, and puts forward some suggestions on the function of public employment service, such as process reengineering, function electronization, etc. At the same time, some key groups, such as military, migrant workers and college graduates, are put forward theoretical suggestions.

Key Words: Public employment service;Government purchase;Reform


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

引言 1

一、概念界定与理论基础 2

(一)概念界定 2

1.公共就业服务 2

2.公共就业服务体系 2

(二)理论基础 2

1.多元治理理论 2

2.新公共行政理论 3

二、我国公共就业服务体系现存问题及原因分析 5

(一)公共就业服务体制层面 5

1.保障体制较为薄弱 5

2.管理体制存在缺陷 7

3.组织体制不够健全 7

(二)公共就业服务职能设置层面 9

1.就失业登记缺乏动态化管理 9

2.就业援助缺乏长效化管理 9

3.职业培训缺乏绩效考核体系 10

三、公共就业服务体系的国际经验借鉴 12

(一)澳大利亚特色 12

(二)英国特色 12

(三)比较与借鉴 13

1.公共就业服务的市场供给方面 13

2.公共就业服务的社会供给方面 13

3.绩效管理方面 14

四、我国公共就业服务体系优化对策 15

(一)优化公共就业服务体制 15

1.加强服务保障方面的人员与资金投入 15

2.建立科学合理的绩效考核体系 15

3.建立扁平化的服务结构 15

4.建立多元化的供给体系 16

(二)优化公共就业服务职能 16

1.对公共就业服务进行流程再造 16

2.就业服务职能电子化、网络化 16

(三)完善重点群体就业的服务保障 17

1.退役军人就业 17

2.农民工就业 17

3.高校毕业生就业 18

结语 19

参考文献 20

致谢 23



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