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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2021-12-16 20:23:54  


摘 要



关键词:“放管服”改革 行政审批制度 “最多跑一次”改革 对策


China is in a critical period of government reform.The reform of "authorized administration and services" is closely related to people. Deepening the reform of "releasing management service" and further promoting the development of "Internet government service ", so that more and more businesses can conduct research online and become an inevitable requirement for the modernization of national governance. Therefore, the practice and innovation of streamlining administration and delegating power have emerged in many parts of the country, especially in ZHEJIANG province, which is characterized by the "reform at most once", which demonstrates the strength and determination of China's reform of the administrative examination and approval system. Under the influence of the "most once run" reform in ZHEJIANG province, various places in China have been actively practicing and exploring to find their own reform methods.

As a state-level new area, JIANGBEI new area has important reference significance for other new areas in China. In this paper, based on the case of a successful reform of ZHEJIANG province, respectively from the Angle of holistic governance, the government efficiency construction of national new city streets "up to run a" reform has carried on the theory and experience, and with the examples of JIANGPU street has carried on the on-the-spot investigation, the study found that the JIANGPU street reform of decentralization reform exist in the process of thinking and understanding insufficiency, the decentralization of incomplete, cooperate to be not coordinated control, between departments, etc. After analyzing the specific reasons, the author puts forward that we should emancipate our minds, fully delegate our powers, abandon the idea of "official standard ", strengthen supervision and improve supervision mechanism, and create conditions for inter-departmental coordination.

Key Words: "decentralization, administration and service" reform of administrative hall、 administrative approval system、"at most once" reform、countermeasure


摘要 I


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

3.研究方法 2

(二)相关概念 3

1.“放管服”改革 3

2. 基层政务大厅 3

3.行政审批制度改革 3

4.“放管服”改革与行政审批制度改革之间的联系 3

(三)理论基础——构建服务型政府 4

二、其他地区行政审批制度改革经验——来自浙江的案例 5

(一)浙江省改革的地方实践 5

1.开办了“政务服务网” 5

2.数据资源开始共享 5

(二)浙江省改革的成效 5

1.政府办事效率显著增长 5

2.撬动全面深化改革初显成效 6

3.整体性政府改革模式基本形成 6

三、江北新区“最多跑一次”改革实践—基于江浦街道的案例 7

(一)江浦街道改革的基本优势 7

(二)一站式建设:“最多跑一次”改革的载体 7

(三)创新型的网站建设起步 7

(四)监督问责机制的设立 8

四、江浦街道“最多跑一次”改革问题 9

(一)信息交互不畅导致一站式服务效率“打折” 9

(二)传统的路径依赖导致网上办事被搁置 9

(三)承接事权超容量导致行政效率低下 9

(四)业务办理窗口职能交叉导致资源未能有效配置 10

(五)监督问责机制不完善导致一站式服务流于形式 10

(六)权力下放不够彻底导致基层公务员激励不足,疲于应付 11

五、对策分析 12

(一)规范行政中心的运行和管理机制 12

1.加强网站宣传与建设 12

2.部门优化 12

3.法制建设 12

4.确立政务大厅的合法地位,加强其权威性。 12

(二)设立全面可靠的监察问责机制 12

1.完善意见采集反馈机制 12

2.完善外部监督体系 13

3.发挥电子监察的作用 13

(三)优化资源配置(包括政治资源) 13

1.合理分配窗口 13

2.强化权力下放 13

3.加强基础设施建设 13

(四)加强电子政务建设 13

1.升级现有软件系统 13

2.加强政务公开网站建设 14

参考文献 15

谢辞 18





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