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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2020-07-05 17:21:01  

摘 要


关键词:社区治理 基层政府 政府职能

Research on the Position and Function of Grassroots Government in Urban Community Governance: A Case Study of Huilongguan Community in Beijing


As the main body of current urban community governance, the grass-roots government bears certain responsibilities and responsibilities in community governance activities and plays an irreplaceable role. Since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, the socialist market economy has developed rapidly. The widespread advancement of urbanization and the continuous deepening of structural reforms have resulted in the transformation of villages into communities, “commercial communities” and “transitional communities” in modern cities in China. Different types of communities, such as different types of communities, have different main governance problems. Therefore, they also have different requirements on governance subjects, governance contents, and governance methods. At present, China’s grass-roots government has a clear role and responsibility in urban community governance, and has problems with the way in which the functions are changed. As a result, the government has “offside” and “absent” phenomena in the process of exercising power. When it is serious, it will cause communities. The "Government Failure" in Governance. Therefore, the role of grass-roots governments in urban community governance is accurately positioned, the functions of grass-roots governments are effectively transformed, and the functions of grass-roots governments in urban community governance are analyzed and researched, so as to promote the balanced development of multiple entities and the direction of cooperative governance, which can effectively alleviate Resolving the contradiction between the community's grass-roots government and non-government organizations will help rationalize the various power and interest relationships in the community, better integrate community resources, promote the development of community governance, and achieve a virtuous cycle of community autonomy.

Keywords:Community governance;Grassroots government;Government Functions


摘要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景和意义 1

(二) 文献综述 2

(三) 核心概念界定 4

二、基层政府在城市社区治理中的角色定位 6

(一)城市社区治理体制发展下基层政府角色的转变 6

(二)当前我国基层政府在城市社区治理中角色定位存在的问题 7

(三)基层政府在社区治理中的应当角色 8

三、 城市社区治理中基层政府应发挥的职能 10

(一)善治理论下基层政府职能 10

(二)善治理论于社区制下的适用性 10

四、北京市回龙观社区治理中政府角色定位与职能的实证分析 12

(一) 北京市回龙观社区概况 12

(二) 北京市回龙观社区基层政府定位及职能存在的问题 12

五、对基层政府在社区治理中定位与职能的完善 14

(一) 转变政府职能,重塑角色 14

(二) 促进与推动社区公民参与 14

(三) 平衡基层政府与其他社区治理主体间关系 14

结语 16

参考文献 17

致谢 20










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