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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2020-07-03 23:46:36  

摘 要



关键词:监督 政府购买 公共服务 社会组织

Research on Supervision Mechanism about Government Purchase of Service


The government's purchase of public services is the adoption mechanism for basic public services provided by governments in many countries and regions in the world today. Since the 1990s, China has formed many theoretical elaborations on the basis of the practice of reforming public administration and innovating public administration in developed countries. However, in the practice of government procurement of public services, China still faces the defects and deficiencies of many links such as the establishment and improvement of institutions, the construction of regulatory bodies, the allocation of power and responsibilities, and the purchase process.

This article is based on the development status of the government’s purchase of public service supervision mechanisms and draws on the useful experience and practices of the United Kingdom in the government’s purchase of public service supervision. This will help us to explore and construct government purchases with Chinese characteristics of socialism in comparing and discarding and absorbing public service theory.

Key Words: Supervision; Government procurement; Public service; Social organization;


摘要 I

Research on Supervision Mechanism about Government Purchase of Service II

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 2

(三)研究方法 2

1.文献研究法 2

2.比较分析法 2

二、政府购买公共服务监督的理论分析 3

(一)政府购买公共服务监督相关概念界定 3

1.社会组织 3

2.政府购买公共服务 3

3.政府购买公共服务的监督机制 4

(二)政府购买公共服务监督机制的理论基础 4

1.委托代理理论 4

2.行政监督理论 5

三、我国政府购买公共服务的监督现状及问题 6

(一)我国政府购买公共服务的监督现状 6

(二)我国政府购买公共服务的监督问题 7

1.监督主体缺位 7

(1)内部监督权责不清 7

(2)监督能力不强 8

(3)公众缺乏参与监督的意识 8

2.监督制度缺失 8

3.购买程序不规范 9

四、英国政府购买公共服务的监督经验 10

(一)英国政府购买公共服务的基本概况 10

(二)英国政府购买公共服务监督经验借鉴 10

1.完善的法律法规体系 10

2.透明的购买流程 11

3.规范的监督程序 11

4.成熟的绩效评估 11

5.畅通的反馈渠道 12

五、政府购买公共服务监督机制的路径探讨 13

(一)监督主体多元化 13

1.强化内部监督 13

2.加强公众监督 13

3.发挥第三方组织的监督作用 13

(二)购买过程监督 14

1.购买前期 14

(1)明确购买需求 14

(2)筛选购买项目 14

2.购买中期 14

(1)招标投标监督 14

(2)购买合同监督 14

3.购买后期 15

(1)绩效评估 15

(2)奖惩制度 15

(三)完善相关法律法规 15

1.健全法律法规监督制度 15

2.完善配套监督制度 15

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 21





表1 中央有关政府购买公共服务的政策文件

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