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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2020-05-14 22:34:37  

摘 要




关键字:基金会发展 现实问题 研究对策

On the realistic problems and Countermeasures of Chinese foundations


In the 1980s, foundations have begun to appear in China. In the subsequent decades, foundations ushered in their golden period for development. However, various problems of foundations occurred in the management while they develop rapidly; therefore, foundations are facing a large challenge and it is quite pressing to solve the problems of foundations.

The main research contents of this paper include the achievements and current development situation of China foundations, the problems they face like those about the registration, financing, supervision, legal regulations, official color and incentive mechanism etc. of foundations and the reasons as well as the domestic and overseas experience reference and research countermeasures. Through research on related document literatures, this paper, firstly conducts analysis on the typical cases like One Foundation and The Chinese Red Cross Foundation etc. to get to know the problems occurring in the foundations, and then analyzes the reasons aiming at these problems trying to put forward corresponding countermeasures from registration, financing, supervision, legal regulations, official color and incentive mechanism these six angles so as to provide improvement ideas for promoting the stable development of foundations.

Through research on this topic, I’ve got the general problems that China foundations are faced with and drawn some conclusions. Among the problems, those about financial management, supervisory mechanism and legal regulations are most serious and the stable development of foundations needs a transparent financial management mechanism and an effective supervisory mechanism which are the lifeline of the development of foundations, while laws are the precondition for their stable development. Therefore, it’s hoped that the results of this research can be paid attention to by relevant departments and urge the management layer to strengthen the improvement so as to promote the stable development of foundations.

Key Words: Development of foundations; Realistic problems; Research countermeasures

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

一、绪论 1

(一)选题背景和意义 1

(二)国内外研究述评 1

1.国外研究 1

2.国内研究 2

(三)课题研究方法 2

二、转型期我国基金会发展取得的成就及现状表现 3

(一)我国基金会发展取得的成就 3

(二)我国基金会发展的现状表现 4

三、转型期我国基金会面临的困境和原因 5

(一)基金会的登记注册问题 5

(二)基金会的财务管理问题 7

1.资金管理的透明度低 8

2.公益事业支出不合规定 9

3.工作人员的财务基础薄弱 10

(三)基金会的监督机制问题 12

1.基金会的自律机制存在问题 12

2.行业自律不完善 13

3.政府监管和社会舆论媒体监管不到位 15

(四)基金会相关法律法规的缺失 17

1.基金会管理的法制化程度不高 17

2.基金会的相关立法突破程度不高 18

3.基金会的法律环境不健全 19

(五)基金会的官办色彩十分浓厚 19

(六)基金会激励机制的缺失 21

四、国内外基金会管理成功的经验借鉴 22

(一)国内基金会管理成功的经验借鉴 23

1.优秀人才的积累 23

2.政府放宽限制 23

(二)国外基金会管理成功的经验借鉴 24

1.基金会与政府的协调 24

2.信息透明公开化和财务管理 24

3.完善的监管机制 25

五、加快推进我国基金会发展的对策研究 26

(一)完善基金会的登记注册方式 26

(二)加强财务管理透明化程度,强化财务人员的工作能力 26

(三)完善基金会的监督机制 26

1.完善自律机制 27

2.完善他律机制 27

3.完善行业自律 27

(四)加快基金会相关法律法规的立法突破,完善法律环境 28

(五)完善基金会激励制度 28

参考文献 29

致谢 31





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