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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-06-23 20:18:03  


摘 要




关键词:危机公关 政府公关 公关能力

Government crisis public relations problems and Countermeasures


In recent years, China's sustained in a high frequency of occurrence of unexpected events. Especially since 2008, the South unprecedented snow and ice storms, and other events on the network platform WUKAN lively discussions and the recent MAS implicated in a major event. This series of major crises can be said that China's current level of crisis management a major challenge. Network communication can be seen in today's society has been completely beyond the expected rate of spread of crisis, especially a more complete network platform to expand the power of the media and public. Government handling of crises in efficiency will become more important.

In fact, the crisis public relation has been an important responsibility of modern government. When a crisis occurs, the public is most concerned about is the first reaction of the government, to explain how the government crisis, how to deal with, whether it can get public recognition. Therefore, the government should be fair, open and transparent manner is a community responsibility. For the current status of the government public relations crisis, the government should use the experience to analyze problems, including a variety of media and other means, to learn to fail eventually solve the problem safeguard the public interest. To improve the government's management capacity has important practical significance with building a socialist harmonious society.

With our country government crisis public relations as a starting point, this paper carries on the discussion from the perspective of public crisis management theory, under the background of social crisis to analyze the government behavior. Through specific case to our country government crisis public relations research to the improper handling of reference foreign some classic cases at the same time, complement each other, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions.

Key words: Crisis Public Relations; Government Relations; Public relations capacity

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

一、政府危机公关概述 3

(一)公共危机的内涵 3

(二)政府危机公关的内涵 3

(三)政府危机公关能力 5

1.政府的美誉度 5

2.政府的媒体公关能力 5

3.政府的凝聚力 5

二、政府危机公关的问题与原因分析 7

(一)政府危机公关现存的问题 7

1.政府危机公关体制性缺陷 7

2.政府危机公关信息公布缺乏透明度 7

3.危机处理中官民沟通受阻,公众对政府缺乏信心 7

4.媒体公关的力量未完全发挥 8

5.政府危机公关反应迟缓 8

6.政府危机公关应对的人才不足 8

7.政府危机公关内部矛盾 9

(二)政府危机公关问题的原因分析 9

1.政府危机公关法律制度不完善 9

2.部分地方政府危机公关行为自大处事 9

3.政府危机公关预防,前期准备不充分 10

4.政府危机公关的公信力缺失 10

5.媒体影响的“蝴蝶效应” 10

三、政府危机公关的解决对策研究 12

(一) 美、日等国政府危机公关对我国的启示 12

1.拥有高效专业的危机公关处理指挥体系 12

2.不断完善政府危机公关的法律法规 12

3.构建强大有效的危机公关预防机制 12

4.发挥现代传媒的作用 12

5.发动民间组织的社会力量 12

(二)提高我国政府危机公关能力的对策 13

1.完善政府危机公关的法律法规制度 13

2.提高政府危机公关的领导力 13

3.政府各部门配合危机公关 13

4.提高政府危机公关预防能力 13

5.发挥媒体公关的正向作用 14

6.发动民间组织,参与配合政府危机公关 14

7.提高公民的危机意识和积极性 15

8.加强国际政府间的危机公关合作 15

结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 19



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