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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-06-23 20:08:16  


摘 要


关键词:社会组织 社会矛盾 矛盾化解

The role of social organizations in the social contradiction


As a kind of social organization to realize the aspirations of the people, and protect the rights and interests of citizens, founded by a group of people, a nonprofit group, can effectively make up for the new type of management mode of \"government failure\", in the process of participation in social contradictions to resolve, with all levels of governments an irreplaceable positive role. The development of social organizations to promote and strengthen social management; The development of social organizations to resolve social conflicts and promote social harmony; Social organization is orderly citizen participation in important carrier and the reasonable expression of interests; Innovation way of providing public services requires the participation of social organizations. Only to the introduction of the social organization of public management, to achieve the government, enterprises, social benign interaction. The current organization cultivating and developing society, is to promote the focus of the construction of a harmonious society, aiming at the existing problem of social organization, to speed up the transformation of government function and broaden the social organizations to participate in space in the construction of a harmonious society; Should actively cultivate and develop social organization, to join the government support; Perfect the construction of relevant laws and regulations of the development of the social organization; Implement supervision in accordance with the law of social group activities. Promote social organizations play a better role.

Key words: Social organizations; social contradiction;conflict resolvin

目 录

中文摘要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

一、社会组织概述 3

(一)社会组织界定 3

(二)社会组织的特征 3

二、社会组织在社会矛盾化解中的优势 5

(一)当前我国社会矛盾的现状 5

1.经济领域的矛盾 5

2.政治领域矛盾 6

3.社会生活领域的矛盾 6

4.思想文化领域的社会矛盾 7

(二)社会组织在社会矛盾化解中的优势 7

1.社会组织参与矛盾纠纷化解中可以降低行政成本 8

2.社会组织在化解社会矛盾化解中具有“安全阀”的作用 8

3.社会组织在矛盾化解中具有“防火墙”的作用 9

4.社会组织在社会矛盾化解中具有“救火台”的作用 11

三、社会组织在社会矛盾化解中的问题 13

(一)社会组织化程度太低,制约化解矛盾作用的发挥 13

(二)社会组织自身定位不准确,化解社会矛盾作用得不到发挥 13

(三)社会组织人才和资金的缺乏,化解社会矛盾显得心有余而力不足 14

1.人才缺乏 14

2.资金不足 14

(四)社会组织内部管理制度缺失,导致化解社会矛盾能力下降 14

(五)社会组织角色不清晰,难以发挥化解社会矛盾的功效 15

四、提升社会组织在社会矛盾化解中作用的对策 16

(一)注重社会组织人才培养,提升化解社会矛盾能力 16

1.高素质的人才和专业化的服务是执业水平的保证 16

2.内部人才培训 16

(二)为社会组织营造良好外部环境 16

(三)正确定位政府与社会组织的作用边界 17

(四)政府为社会组织参与提供制度化空间 18

(五)完善社会组织体系,为社会组织化解社会矛盾奠定基础 18

(六)提升社会组织的社会公信力,有效参与社会矛盾化解 19

结束语 20

参考文献 21

致谢 23




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