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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-03-31 20:43:52  


摘 要


关键词:第三部门 教育职能 初等教育 外来务工人员子女

Primary education from the Perspective of Third Sector--Taking the migrant children as the research object


Since Reform and Opening, with the setting-up and perfection of the socialist economic system in China, the third sector is rapidly rising and developing. And the research of the third sector is rapidly developing into a multifaceted area of study. Education function is also the most important function of the third sector. Elementary education is the basic stage of education, and the participation of the third sector has become an indispensable part of elementary education. Now, more and more attention is being paid to the elementary education, but the participation of the third sector still can not pay close attention to the various aspects of elementary education. The elementary education of the migrant children is a typical problem that is one of the problem in elementary education. This article follows with interest the reason of the problem of elementary education from the perspective of the third sector. I hope that the third sector can produce new educational products, and the third sector can relieve the problem of elementary education. The migrant children are the object of study in this paper, and their elementary education problem is the side what the third sector has not involved. So this paper is concerned with how the third sector solves the problem of the migrant children.

Key Words: the third sector; educational functions; primary education; migrant children

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

导论 4

一、第三部门与初等教育 6

(一)第三部门的社会功能 6

1.资源的进一步利用 6

2.公共物品的重要提供者 6

3.承担公共职能 7

(二)第三部门承担初等教育职能的可行性分析 7

(三)第三部门在初等教育中的职责 8

1.第三部门对初等教育资源的筹措 8

2.第三部门应当是初等教育政策的执行主体之一 9

二、外来务工人员子女初等教育的现状 10

(一)外来务工人员子女初等教育的资源分配不均 10

(二)教育主体单一 11

(三)学生学习能力不足 11

1.课堂学习存在困难 11

2.外来务工人员子女在校可能会受到歧视 12

3.外来务工子女存在心理问题 12

(四)家庭教育缺乏 12

1.外来务工人员自身的困难 12

2.家校协同教育的困难 12

三、第三部门承担外来务工人员子女初等教育所面临的问题及原因分析 14

(一)第三部门相关法律不完善 14

(二)第三部门行政化倾向严重 15

(三)第三部门发展资源不足 15

1.第三部门的资金与土地问题 15

2.第三部门的人力资源问题 16

(四)第三部门承担外来务工人员子女初等教育的观念尚未普及 16

四、第三部门所面临问题的应对方法与思考 17

(一)第三部门相关法律条文的完善 17

(二)推动第三部门进行去行政化 17

(三)第三部门资源不足方面的应对方法 18

1.多方筹资,合理利用土地资源 18

2.开展专业人员培训 19

(四)政府动员,加大宣传 19

参考文献 21

致谢 23


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