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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-03-26 17:56:02  


摘 要



关键词:大数据 网络反腐 规范化

Standardized Path Construction of Network Anti-Corruption in the Era of Big-Data


The arrival of the era of Big-Data brings revolutionary effect on citizens freedom of expression and political participation, provides a new platform for the public to maintain their right to know, right to participate, to express and right to supervise. Frequent Network Anti-corruption events makes use of the network of anti-corruption initiatives much public attention, and also caused the attention of the academic circles.

The focus of this article is the Big-Data network corruption, the theory of Network Anti-corruption and social hot spots as the theme to sort out and analysis the domestic and foreign research status of Network Anti-corruption in Big-Date era, this paper conducted a preliminary definition of the meaning of corruption. These paper pointed out that the role of the network is dependent on its anti-corruption report, supervision, communication and other functions to play, so that the traditional way of anti-corruption has been effectively added, in the construction of China's anti-corruption occupies a pivotal position.However, by thinking of the Big-Data era of network anti-corruption, anti-corruption network will lead to a serious moral hazard, trustful crisis, development crisis, based on the above analysis, this paper from the combination of moral, legal and professionalism proposed the regularization path of Big-Data of network anti-corruption, guiding people to more in-depth understanding of the network of anti-corruption, rational use of the network to carry out anti-corruption, and promote the network of anti-corruption into the system of corruption, accelerate the construction of national anti-corruption.

Key words: Big-Data; Network Anti-corruption; Standardization


摘要 I


引言 1

(一)选题背景和研究意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状 1

(三)研究思路与方法 3

(四)创新与不足之处 4

一、相关概念界定 5

(一)大数据时代概述 5

1.大数据的定义 5

2.大数据时代的特点 5

(二)网络反腐概述 5

1.网络反腐的内涵 5

2.网络反腐的主要方式 6

(三)规范化路径概述 7

二、大数据时代网络反腐高速发展的原因以及网络反腐规范性面临的困境 8

(一)大数据时代网络反腐高速发展的原因 8

1.网络反腐的快捷性和高效性 8

2.网络反腐的透明性和公正性 8

3.网络反腐的匿名性和安全性 9

(二)大数据时代网络反腐规范性面临的困境 9

1.“网络暴力”侵犯他人隐私权引发道德危机 9

2.“网络流言”降低网络反腐可信度造成信任危机 10

3.举报信息管理混乱无序导致发展危机 10

三、国外成熟网络反腐经验及其给我国的启示 11

(一)美国“扒粪运动”及其启示 11

(二)巴西“透明门户”网站及其启示 11

(三)韩国“首尔民愿在线公开处理系统”及其启示 12

四、大数据时代网络反腐规范化的实现路径 14

(一)加强大数据时代网络反腐的思想道德建设 14

1.加强网民思想道德建设 14

2.加强反腐倡廉的网络文化建设 14

(二)加强大数据时代网络反腐的制度建设 15

1.建立网络反腐体系运作机制 15

2.建立网络舆论监督、引导机制 15

(三)加强大数据时代网络反腐的法制建设 15

1.完善网络反腐立法 15

2.规范网络反腐执法 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20


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