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 2022-02-14 20:33:12  


摘 要


关键词:失能 长期照料 养老方式 照料模式 对策

Long term care for the disabled elderly in rural areas

--As an example to Gu Zhuang village in Jiangsu Province, Taizhou city


At present, our country is in social transition period and growth period, rapid economic take-off, increasingly productive, people's living standards improved increasingly, but the resulting, increases the income gap between urban and rural areas, uneven distribution of medical resources, rural showed a trend of rapid aging, aging, empty nest, overall health level down in the elderly, disability, increasing the scale of the old man and the function of family endowment gradually weakened, the, the rural elderly disability elderly than normal old people more vulnerable. In the economic conditions and welfare benefits of the double pressure, most of the rural family care methods are used by family care is given priority to, social rbi is complementary. Right now, social endowment of resources due to China's basic national conditions in the developed countries relatively scarce, and the masses to prevent old age risk awareness and knowledge of body function and dysfunction is still relatively weak. Based on the rural elderly disability elderly as the main research object, the on-the-spot investigation to jiangsu taizhou guzhuang village, awareness of disability, the old man's daily care and nursing problem, I found in the daily life of rural elderly disability, old man, is supposed to meet their physical health improvement, check the need to care, but these aspects of incremental supply can't keep up with demand, become one of the main problems of the rural pension system. I collected through literature research, this paper analyses the predecessors to the study of problems of the rural elderly disability elderly long-term care, and using the case study method to jiangsu taizhou guzhuang village on-the-spot investigation and analysis, among them, and using the in-depth interview method, the typical characteristics of five family status, disability, old man endowment way, now the body health, such as the quality of life for detailed understanding, in-depth study. Combined with the actual situation of guzhuang village and the problems existing in the endowment, I suggest to the government, non-profit organizations, social participation, with the joint efforts of family members, better to the disability elderly pension comfort, healthy endowment way, in order to improve the disability, the old man's physical and mental health problems, improve the quality of life of disability, old man, relieve the pressure on the medical service supply and medical insurance, but also to promote the health of the public service and social security system in our country continues to develop, promote social stability and harmonious.

Key Words: Incapacitation; Long-term care; Endowment way; Take care of mode; Countermeasures

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

一、导论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1.背景 1

2.意义 1

(二) 相关研究回顾 1

1.基本概念 1

2.基础理论 2

3.现有研究成果 2

(三) 研究方法 4

1.收集资料的方法 4

2.分析资料的方法 4

二、泰州市顾庄村介绍及失能老人生存现状 5

(一)基本概况 5

1.失能老人个案基本概况 5

2.失能老人的养老方式 6

3.调查对象的家庭结构 7

4.机构失能老人的经济状况 7

5.农村高龄失能老人的健康状况 8

(二)农村养老机构失能老人的生活质量及表现的问题 9

1.照料资源供需不平衡,供小于求 9

2.照料内容单一,多样性不足 10

3.照料模式固化,缺乏多样性,以家庭照料为主,缺乏社会化照料 10

三、失能老人长期照护问题产生的原因 11

(一) 社会原因 11

1.政府宣传力度不够,老人误解社区养老 11

2.传统孝文化的影响 11

3.缺乏专业队伍和专业方法的支持 11

4. 社会保障水平低,社区照料发展滞后 11

(二)个体原因 12

1.社会参与不足 12

2.家庭照料功能弱化 12

3.家庭照料资源提供者减少 12

四、解决农村高龄失能老人长期照料问题的对策 13

(一)农村高龄失能老人长期照料问题 13

(二)对农村高龄失能老人长期照料问题的应对之策 13

1.家庭照料、社区照料和机构照料彼此接连 13

2. 增设服务:照顾生活、日常护理和精神安慰 13

3. 提供人力、财力、物力资源 14

4. 构建非营利性农村高龄失能老人长期照护体系 14

5.监督相关照护体系质量,设有效评估机制 14

结语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 19




根据全国第六次人口普查的结果报告,我国中老年人(指60岁及以上)的人口数量超过了1.78亿人次,占全国总人口比重的13.26%。[1] 老龄化趋势显著,在现代化发展势头下,地区、城乡、贫富差距逐渐拉大,家庭结构、社会环境的转变,原本传统观念下以家庭为主要照料的养老功能逐渐弱化,而农村高龄失能老人的长期照护问题是贯穿和保障社会养老的基础问题,是给失能老人提供基础的生活保障,提升生活品质的重要问题。因此,我们要探寻查究出与农村高龄失能老人相联系,与农村经济文化生活相适应的长期照护体系。






是指70岁及以上的,由于中风、脑溢血等疾病,导致丧失自理能力,不能独自生活,需要依靠他人的帮助的老年人按照国际通行标准分析,自理能力分为吃饭、穿衣、上下床、上厕所、室内走动、洗澡6项指标,一到两项“做不了”的,定义为“轻度失能”,三到四项“做不了”的定义为“中度失能”,五到六项“做不了”的定义为“重度失能” 。[2]本文所研究的对象,主要是指生活不能自理的中度、轻度失能老人。


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