2022-01-18 20:56:13
摘 要
关键词:城市管理 行政执法 执法保障
Research on Law Enforcement Guarantee of Urban Management
The city management law enforcement department plays a significant role in the process of urban development in China. However, in recent years, the urban management law enforcement process is full of conditions because of the lack of urban management law enforcement guarantee, which disturbs the urban order and reduces the efficiency of urban operation to a certain extent. Therefore, it is of great practical importance to study the issue of urban management law enforcement guarantee. Firstly, this paper affirms the current progress in urban management law enforcement guarantee. Secondly, it highlights the current deficiencies in urban management law enforcement guarantee, mainly reflected in inadequate facilities and equipment support, inadequate personnel guarantee, inadequate legal guarantee, inadequate supervision and inadequate environmental guarantee, then it analyses the reasons briefly. Finally, this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures, such as improving the financial protection of urban management law enforcement, strengthening the personnel guarantee of urban management law enforcement, establishing and improving relevant laws, strengthening supervision, and building a good environment of law enforcement, which are provided to improve China's urban management law enforcement guarantees and further promote the development of China's cities better and faster.
Key Words:Urban Management;Law Enforcement; Law enforcement guarantee
中文摘要 Ι
英文摘要 Π
引言 1
一、城市管理执法保障相关概念及理论基础 2
(一)城市管理执法保障的相关概念 2
1.城市管理执法的含义 2
2.保障的含义 2
3.城市管理执法保障的含义 2
(二)城市管理执法保障的理论基础 2
1.公共经济学理论 2
2.人际关系理论 2
3.培养理论 2
二、城管执法保障的重要性及现状 3
(一)城管执法保障的重要性 3
(一)目前城管执法保障取得的进步 3
(二)目前城管执法保障存在的不足 4
1.城管执法设施及装备保障不足 4
2.城管执法人员保障不足 5
3.城管执法法律保障不足 6
4.城管执法监管保障不足 7
5.城管执法舆论环境保障不足 7
三、城管执法保障存在不足的原因 7
(一)城管执法设施及装备保障不足的原因 7
1.融资渠道单一 7
2.资源分配不均 7
(二)城管执法人员保障不足的原因 8
1.定员数规定不合理 8
2.编制设定不合理 8
3.录用、培训及更新机制不合理 8
4.绩效考核机制不合理 8
(三)城管执法法律保障不足的原因 9
1.相互交叉冲突的法规未清理 9
2.执法人员未能贯彻法规 9
(四)城管执法监管保障不足的原因 9
1.监督主体重视不够 9
2.内外部监督机制缺失 9
(五)城管执法舆论环境保障不足的原因 10
1.大众传媒未能实事求是报道 10
2.城管部门未能正确回应舆论 11
四、完善城管执法保障的对策 11
(一)加强城管执法经费保障 11
1.拓宽融资渠道 11
2.平等分配资金 11
(二)加强城管执法人员保障 12
1.合理规定定员数 12
2.重新设定编制 12
3.完善录用、培训及更新机制 13
4.完善绩效考核机制 13
(三)建立健全相关法律 13
1.清理相互交叉冲突的法规 13
2.督促执法人员严格贯彻法规 14
(四)加强监管 14
1.强化监督主体的监督意识 14
2.完善内外部监督机制 14
(五)构建良好的执法舆论环境 15
1.成立工作小组核实相关新闻 15
2.正确引导舆论 15
五、总结与展望 15
参考文献 17
致谢 20