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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-01-16 20:46:12  


摘 要



关键词:地方政府 治理失灵 环境保护

Study on Causes and Countermeasures of Environmental

Governance Failure of Local Government


With the rapid economic development in China, environmental problems are becoming more serious. As the executor of environmental policies, local governments play an indispensable role in the process of governance and environmental improvement. In recent years, China's environmental problems are more prominent, not conducive to the country's economic development, the people's lives and spiritual also brought a lot of impact. Therefore, how to solve the failure of local governments in the process of environmental governance, find out the reasons for the failure of environmental governance and formulate a positive policy to solve the problems arising is of great importance.

This article mainly USES the case analysis method, unifies the public product theory and the government failure theory, as well as our country in recent years occurs the typical environmental pollution event to carry on the key analysis for the case. Environmental governance is a top-down, step-by-step process. Although the governance of local governments has been effective, there are still some deficiencies, which need to be further analyzed and improvement measures proposed. For local governments and Chinese residents, it is urgent to improve and solve the problem of environmental governance failure, which requires the government to strengthen leadership, the masses to actively participate in, and jointly build a harmonious ecological environment.

Key Words: Local government;Governance failure;Environmental protection

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 1

(三)研究方法 1

(四)研究思路 2

一、 地方政府环境治理现状及理论基础 3

(一)地方政府环境治理现状 3

(二)地方政府环境治理理论基础 5

二、 地方政府环境治理失灵的表现——案例分析 7

(一)地方政府单纯追求GDP而漠视环境——雾霾 7

(二)地方政府信息发布不及时——江苏镇江水污染 7

(三)地方政府应付式治理且缺乏动力——安徽怀宁血铅超标 8

(四)地方政府与企业之间存在“共谋”现象——哈药总厂污染门 9

(五)地方政府部门监管不到位——腾格里沙漠排污 10

三、 地方政府环境治理失灵的原因分析 12

(一)地方政府传统的重经济轻环境思想 12

(二)地方政府职能履行不到位 12

(三)自上而下的逐层委托代理存在风险 13

(四)地方政府环境治理制度欠缺 13

(五)地方政府监督问责机制不健全 13

四、 防范地方政府环境治理失灵的对策 15

(一)提倡绿色发展理念 15

(二)实行地方政府环境治理政务公开 15

(三)明确地方政府环境治理职责 16

(四)健全地方政府环境治理政绩考核制度 16

(五)完善地方政府监督问责机制 16

结语 18

参考文献 19

致谢 22






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