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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-01-16 19:16:40  


摘 要



关键词:农村养老 留守老人 养老困境 解决对策

A study on the dilemma and countermeasures of rural old-age care problems 

---- taking S village of liuzhuang town as an example


Under the background of the rapid development of the aging process of the population, the country takes more care of the progress of economic benefits, resulting in a certain gap between urban and rural areas in all aspects, and the most direct problem brought by the aggravation of the aging of the population is the pension problem. At the same time,rural economic development in the period of economic restructuring has been improved, the overall level is still lower than the city. The rapid development of urban economy has accelerated the flow of rural population, and a large number of young and strong rural labor force began to flood into the city. As a result, the problem of providing for the aged in rural areas has become more and more serious, and the problem of providing for the aged has also become one of the livelihood issues that China focuses on.

Based on the above situation, this paper collected and sorted out a amount of literature according to the government responsibility theory, social support theory and the hierarchy of needs theory, roughly sorted out the current situation of rural pension in China, and formed a systematic understanding of the situation of rural pension in China. The article attends to the plight encountered in the process of hamlet pension, and how to solve the pension dilemma countermeasures. Firstly, through field interviews and questionnaires, the current pension status of S village was investigated and analyzed, and a clear understanding of the local pension status was formed. Secondly, according to the status of S village’s pension, the dilemma of hamlet olderly pension is analyzed. We should learn from the experience of our country, refer to its merits and draw inspiration from it, and learn from other countries' successful pension cases to better promote the international cooperation of pension security. On this basis, also the author put forward some targeted countermeasures to solve the plight of rural pension, so that the rural pension problems can be further solved.

Key words: Rural endowment; Left-behind elderly; Pension plight; Countermeasures

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

引言 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 2

1.理论意义 2

2.现实意义 2

(三)研究方法 2

1.文献研究法 2

2.实地访谈法 2

3.问卷调查法 3

一、养老模式的概念及理论基础 4

(一) 养老模式的概念 4

1.家庭养老 4

2.自我养老 4

3.机构互助养老 4

4.社会制度养老 5

(二)理论基础 5

1.政府责任理论 5

2.社会支持理论 5

3.需求层次理论 6

二、农村养老现状调查分析 7

(一)调查地点选择 7

(二)抽取的样本特征 7

(三)S村目前养老现状分析 8

1.经济收入低、来源单一 8

2.医疗保障制度不够完善 9

3.缺乏精神方面的慰藉 10

三、农村养老问题的困境分析 11

(一)农村家庭规模缩小和家庭观念弱化 11

(二)养老模式缺乏创新 12

(三)农村养老供需严重不平衡 12

(四)农村养老缺少整体设计和有效监督 13

四、国内外养老经验及启示 14

(一)以上海“四堂间”为例 14

1.上海“四堂间”的运行现状 14

2.对农村养老的启示 14

(二)日本养老模式对我国农村养老的启示 15

1.加大政府的财政投入 15

2.完善医疗保险制度 15

3.政府加强对养老制度的监督 15

五、农村养老问题的解决对策 16

(一)巩固家庭养老的基础地位 16

(二)建立多元并存的养老模式 17

(三)推动农村经济发展并完善养老保障制度 17

(四)构建养老信息平台进行有效监督 18

结语 19

参考文献 20

附录 23


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