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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-01-16 19:16:08  


摘 要


政府门户网站是电子政务的核心,是政府与公众交流的重要平台,是民众用来获悉信息与服务的重要渠道。虽然我国目前政府门户网站的建设发展取得了一定的成绩,但是存在的缺陷不容忽视。本文将从我国农村电子政务门户网站的建设历程出发,分析当前农村门户网站的建设现状,找出发展过程中存在的问题以及提出相关的对策研究。并在此基础上以宝应县经济开发区为例,分析发现其门户网站存在缺乏资金和人才、村民信息化意识不强、在线服务功能欠缺、信息公开质量差和民众参与度不高等问题,因此,提出多渠道融资引进技术型人才、转变传统观念, 强化信息意识、强化网站服务功能,加强人性化服务、完善信息公开机制、扩展互动交流渠道等解决措施,从而更好地建设发展我国农村电子政务门户网站。

关键词:农村 电子政务 门户网站

Research on the construction status, restrictive factors and countermeasures of rural e-government portal websites

-- taking Baoying county economic development zone as an example


With the implementation of the "three rural" policy and other relevant policies to benefit farmers, it is an effective way for the country to release and update relevant information by increasing the construction of rural information and establishing a communication platform for rural information services. At present our country about 576.61 million people living in the countryside, scattered in different parts of the rural distribution, remote location. In the past, the release of rural government affairs mainly relied on the backward means of blackboard newspaper and big trumpet, which led to the lag in obtaining information in most rural areas. Therefore, it is urgent to accelerate the construction of rural e-government and establish rural e-government portal websites.

The government portal website is the core of e-government, an important platform for communication between the government and the public, and an important channel for people to learn information and services. Although some achievements have been made in the construction and development of the government portal website in our country, the existing defects cannot be ignored. This article will start from the construction process of our country's rural e-government portal, analyze the current construction status of rural portal, find out the constraints in the development process and put forward relevant countermeasures. And on this basis in Baoying county economic development zone as an example, the analysis found that the portal is lack of funds and personnel, the villagers informatization consciousness is not strong, online services lack, poor quality of information disclosure and public participation is not high, therefore, put forward financing introduce technology talents and change the traditional ideas, strengthen information consciousness, strengthening service function, strengthen the humanized service, perfecting the information

disclosure mechanism, the extension solving measures, such as interactive communication channels to better construction development of China's rural e-government portal.

Key words: rural; e-government; portal

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 1

(三)国内外研究现状综述 2

1.国外研究现状 2

2.国内研究现状 2

(四)研究方法 3

1.文献分析法 3

2.比较分析法 3

3.案例分析法 3

一、电子政务门户网站相关理论基础 4

(一)相关概念 4

1.电子政务门户网站的定义 4

2.电子政务门户网站的功能 5

(二)相关理论 6

1.服务型政府 6

2.新公共管理理论 7

二、农村电子政务门户网站建设现状 8

(一)国外农村电子政务门户网站发展分析 8

1.美国农村电子政务门户网站建设现状 8

2.韩国农村电子政务门户网站建设现状 8

3.印度农村电子政务门户网站建设现状 9

(二)国内农村电子政务门户网站发展分析 9

1.前期筹备阶段 10

2.金农工程阶段 10

3.政府上网工程 10

4.村村通工程 10

(三)国外农村电子政务门户网站发展启示 10

1.加强基础设施建设 10

2.减小门户网站内容与形式差异 11

三、宝应县经济开发区基本情况分析—基于问卷调查 12

(一)地理环境 12

(二)问卷调查的基本情况 12

(三)宝应县经济开发区电子政务门户网站建设情况分析 13

1.建设现状 13

2.总体水平 14

四、宝应县经济开发区电子政务门户网站存在问题 15

(一)缺乏资金、技术型人才 15

1.投入资金不足 15

2.技术型人才不足 15

(二)村民思想保守,信息化意识不强 15

(三)在线服务功能欠缺 16

1.服务栏目导航不全 16

2.服务事项针对性不强 17

(四)政务信息公开质量较差 17

(五)民众参与度不高 18

五、完善农村电子政务门户网站的对策建议 20

(一)多渠道融资,引进技术和人才 20

1.政府与社会共同参与 20

2.培养和引进技术型人才 20

(二)转变传统观念, 强化信息意识 20

(三)强化网站服务功能,加强人性化服务 21

(四)完善信息公开机制 22

(五)扩展互动交流渠道 22

结 语 23

参考文献 24

附录 27

致 谢 31


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