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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-01-14 21:06:31  


摘 要




关键词:城中村居民 社会服务 社会组织回应

Needs for Social Services of "Urban village residents" and Response Strategies of Social Organizations


With the rapid development of urbanization, a large number of "urban village residents" have emerged in the urban field. However, due to the lack of social resources and government functions, this group has always been unable to enjoy equal social services. On the basis of defining the concept of "village residents in city", this paper investigates and analyses the current situation of residents'social services in "JN New District" and explores the social services and their main characteristics needed by different groups.

Based on the data of January 2019 JN Community Survey, this study analyzed the problems of social service supply of "urban village residents" from the aspects of system, mode of provision, residents themselves, types of service provision and social prejudice, and then from the aspects of the impact of household registration system, social contradictions, social participation, population growth and role change, and insufficient attention from all sides. The reasons behind the questions are analyzed.

The fourth part of this paper, from the perspective of social organization, puts forward specific strategies to respond to the needs of "urban village residents". Due to the lack of manpower, material and financial resources, social organizations are subject to various constraints in the process of providing social services. Therefore, they need to cooperate with the government and the market to respond to their social service needs. Social organizations should address needs in a targeted and phased manner; the government can provide support in terms of policies, funds and talents; and enterprises can facilitate the purchase of services, volunteers and charitable donations.

Key Word: Urban village residents;Social service;Social organizational response

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ

英文摘要 Ⅱ

一、导论 1

(一)研究背景、意义和方法 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)文献综述 2

1.国外相似研究 2

2.国内研究现状 2

(三)核心概念和理论基础 3

1.核心概念界定 3

2.理论基础 3

(四)研究方法 4

1.文献归纳分析法 4

2.案例分析法 4

3.统计分析法 5

二、“JN新区”的社会服务调查和数据分析 6

(一)样本基本情况分析 6

(二)城中村居民的社会服务分析 6

1.基本概况 6

2.城中村居民不同群体最需要的社会服务情况 8

3.城中村居民需要的社会服务分类 10

(三)“城中村居民”的社会服务需求特点 11

1.服务需求量大 11

2.特殊群体针对性强 11

3.服务多方面尚未接轨 12

三、“城中村居民”社会服务供给的问题与成因 13

(一)“城中村居民”社会服务供给存在的问题 13

1.缺乏相关政策体系和制度的支持 13

2.服务提供缺乏针对性 13

3.“城中村居民”自身素质不高 14

4.城市各阶层的偏见阻碍 14

5.监督机制缺乏 14

6.社会组织、政府、市场之间并未形成合力 14


1.城乡二元户籍制度的影响 15

2.社会的快速变迁和新的社会矛盾的产生 15

3.“城中村居民”社会参与度偏低 16

4.“城中村居民”人口增长速度超过社会服务供给效率 16

5.“城中村居民”并未完成自身角色转换 16

6.政府和市场对社会组织的重视程度不够 17

四、社会组织针对“城中村居民”社会服务需求的回应策略 18

(一)找好定位,弥补政策制度的缺陷 18

(二)深入基层,针对性提供社会服务 18

(三)加强教育,提高“城中村居民”素质 19

(四)扩大宣传,消除各阶层的偏见 19

(五)公开透明,主动接受监督 19

(六)加强合作,协同各方力量 19

1.加强与政府合作,获得大力支持 19

2.加强与企业合作,双方互利共赢 20

3.加强与其他社会组织合作,发挥各自优势 21

五、结语 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 26


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