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 2021-12-21 21:29:50  


摘 要

当今社会,高等教育愈加大众化,高校毕业生人数也大量增加,就业市场竞争激烈,社会压力巨大,“就业难”是近年来大多数高校毕业生都会感受到的一种现实压力。然而在就业压力如此巨大的情况下,依然产生了“慢就业”现象。大量消极型“慢就业”现象的产生,不仅会破坏国家劳动力市场结构、浪费人才资源,并且影响高校社会声誉与发展、增加家庭经济负担、引发家庭矛盾,还耗费大学生宝贵青春,使其人际关系疏离。因而越来越多的研究指向了 “ 慢就业 ”,但是对实际能够缓解“ 慢就业 ”的措施的探究较少。本文以南京工业大学为例,向101位南京工业大学法学院2020届应届毕业生发放调查问卷,对“ 慢就业 ”的背景和意义进行深度剖析,将“慢就业”现象的成因从社会原因、高校原因、家庭原因、个人原因四个方向进行多角度探析,并结合这四个主体与现有研究讨论提出切合实际的缓解措施。在疫情当下就业问题愈加艰难的情况下,一是社会致力于营造良好就业环境;二是高校着力提升毕业生就业服务质量;三是家庭加强对子女的就业引导;四是大学生改变就业“慢”思想。最后,希望我的文章能对缓解当前社会“慢就业”现象提供一些帮助。

关键词:大学生 慢就业 原因 对策

A Study on the Slow Employment Phenomenon of College Students——A Case Study of Nanjing University of Technology


In today's community, tertiary education is jumping into popularity, the number of university graduates is also increasing, the talent market has an intense competition, and the social pressure is huge. "Employment is difficult" is a realistic pressure that most college graduates will feel in recent years. However, under such a huge employment pressure, there are still a lot of "slow employment" phenomena.The emergence of a large number of negative "slow employment" phenomena will not only destroy the national labor market structure and waste human resources, but also affect the social reputation and development of universities, increase the family's economic burden, cause family conflicts, and also consume the valuable youth of college students to make them alienation from their interpersonal relationships.Therefore, more and more studies have pointed to "slow employment", but there are few investigations on measures that can actually alleviate "slow employment". This article takes Nanjing University of Technology as an example, and distributes questionnaires to 101 graduates of the Nanjing University of Technology in 2020. It analyzes the background and significance of "slow employment" in depth, and analyzes the causes of "slow employment" from social reasons, Multi-angle analysis of the four directions of university reasons, family reasons and personal reasons, and put forward practical solutions to these four subject discussions. In the current situation where the employment problem is becoming more and more difficult in the epidemic, the first is that the society is committed to creating a good employment environment; the second is that universities focus on improving the quality of employment services for graduates; the third is to strengthen family employment guidance for their children; the fourth is that college students must change the "slow" thinking of employment.I hope this article can provide some help to alleviate the current "slow employment" phenomenon in community.

Key words:College Students;Slow Employment;Reason;Countermeasure

目 录

中文摘要 I

Abstract II

一、研究背景和意义 1

(一)研究背景和意义 1

(二)相关研究综述 1

1.“慢就业”概念界定 1

2.大学生“慢就业”现象成因的相关研究 2

3.关于如何对待“慢就业”现象的研究 2

(三)研究思路与研究方法 3

1、文献研究法 3

2、问卷调查法 4

二、高校毕业生“慢就业”类型与社会影响 5

(一)“慢就业”的主要类型 5

1.积极型“慢就业” 5

2.消极型“慢就业” 5

(二)消极型“慢就业”的社会影响 5

1.破坏国家劳动力市场结构,浪费人才资源 5

2.影响高校专业社会声誉与发展 6

3.增加家庭经济负担,引发家庭矛盾 6

4.耗费个人宝贵青春,疏离人际关系 6

三、大学生“慢就业”现象形成原因分析-以南京工业大学为例 7

(一) 社会就业环境的整体影响 7

1.经济社会的快速发展 8

2.文化氛围的开放包容 8

3.就业市场的需求不足,要求提高 8

(二)高校相关因素的影响 9

1.职业生涯规划和就业指导教育不到位 9

2.专业培养与市场需求不匹配 9

(三)家庭经济与教养观念的影响 10

1.部分家长观念开放包容 10

2.具备让孩子“慢就业”的经济实力 11

3.部分家长强迫孩子选择其不喜欢的工作 11

(四)学生个人因素的影响 11

1.从容追求个人价值的择业观 12

2.好高骛远、期望过高的价值观念 12

3.缺乏职业生涯规划意识和能力 13

4.缺乏应有的专业知识和专业素质 13

四、解决“慢就业”问题的若干思考 14

(一)政府积极吸纳就业,做好就业保障工作 14

(二)高校要着力提升毕业生就业服务质量 15

(三)家长应加强对子女就业引导 15

(四)大学生自身硬积极转变就业观念 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 23



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