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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2020-04-20 13:50:16  

摘 要



关键词:“双轨制” 法律体系 《海商法》修订 水路货物运输

On the abolishment of "dual-track system" in the new maritime law


" Dual-track system "as the most notable features of maritime law in our country, has a great influence on waterway cargo transportation activities, under the background of its formation is in the special age make a special choice, however, after 20 years of development, great changes have taken place in the economic environment in China, market economy system has been basically established, the old "double-track" has been unable to adapt to the requirement of the current. At the same time, China's domestic waterway freight is in a difficult situation due to the repeal of the "domestic waterway cargo transport rules". In this context, the maritime law has been incorporated into the latest legislative planning. This paper will take this as an opportunity to analyze the necessity and feasibility of abolishing the "dual-track system" in combination with the academic call for a unified legal system for waterway freight.

This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction, which explains the historical background of incorporating maritime law into legislative planning. The second part describes the formation process and main manifestations of the "dual track system" in China. The third part lists the current situation of shipping at home and abroad; The fourth part focuses on the necessity and feasibility of abolishing the dual track system. The fifth part envisages other situations of China's waterway cargo transport legal system and compares them with the abolition of the "dual-track system" in terms of advantages and disadvantages. The sixth part is the conclusion, which summarizes the whole thesis.

Key words: Dual-track system;Legal system;Amendments to the maritime law; Waterway freight transport


摘要 I

Abstrat II

一、引言 1

二、我国水路货物运输法律“双轨制”的概述 3

(一)“双轨制”概念的解读 3

1.双轨制的概念 3

2. 关于水路货物运输法律特殊的“双轨制”的解读 3

(二)形成的原因 4

(三)“双轨制”的表现 4

1.承运人责任的归责原则不同 5

2.承运人赔偿责任限制的规定不同 5

3.运输单证不同 5

三、 国内外水路货物运输现状与特点 7

(一)我国的水路货物运输现状与特点 7

1.国内水路货物运输 7

2.国际海上货物运输 7

(二)英国的水路货物运输 8

(三)美国的水路货物运输 8

(四)俄罗斯的水路货物运输 9

四、废除“双轨制”的必要性与可行性分析 10

(一)必要性 10

1.《国内水路货物运输规则》的废止 10

2.多式联运迅速发展的需要 11

3.国内水运运量庞大急需高阶立法,而另立新法成本太大 11

(二)可行性 12

1.外部条件 12

2.“海”的定义可做扩充解释 13

3.科技的发展使得内河航运的风险与国际海运的风险无太大差别 14

4.新《海商法》可单独设一章“内河水路货物运输合同” 14

五、完善我国水路货运法律体系的其他设想 15

(一)模式一 15

1.海上与内河分别立法 15

2.制定《内河水路货物运输细则》 15

(二)模式二 16

1、“双轨制”模式不变,制定《国内水路货物运输法》 16

2.“双轨制”模式不变,制定《国内水路货物运输合同实施细则》 16

六、结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20





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