2022-03-22 20:33:30
摘 要
关键词: 专利侵权 等同原则 适用规则 禁止反悔原则
The Discussion on Application of Doctrine of Equivalents in Patent Infringement
Along with rapid scientific development, there are more and more patent infringement cases. There are fewer infringement cases about using existing patent technologies directly. More people slightly modify existing patent technologies, and evade legal liability of patent infringement through immaterial modification. Many countries have introduced doctrine of equivalents to prevent repeatedly happening of this phenomenon. China has not adopted doctrine of equivalents in patent infringement cases for a long time. Doctrine of equivalents has been used in some cases in 1990d, and has not been officially established until relevant judicial explanation being issued by the Supreme Judicial Court in 2001. Later, a series of legal documents are introduced to standardize doctrine of equivalents. However, there are still many problems in the juridical practice of patent infringement. This paper discusses relevant problems in judging patent infringement by doctrine of equivalents.
This paper is divided into four parts. It combines with basic theories of doctrine of equivalents, analyzes the applying conditions of doctrine of equivalents at home and abroad, points out existing flaws in domestic application of doctrine of equivalents in legislation and justice, and comes up with advices about the perfecting of laws and regulations and the refining of application of doctrine of equivalents.
Keywords: patent infringement; doctrine of equivalents; applicable rules; prosecution history estoppel
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
引言 1
一、 专利侵权等同原则适用的基础理论 2
(一)专利侵权等同原则概念界定 2
(二)专利侵权等同原则适用的前提 2
(三)专利侵权等同原则适用的方式 3
(四)专利侵权等同原则的适用标准 4
1. 主体标准 5
2. 客体标准 6
3. 时间标准 6
(五) 专利侵权等同原则适用的限制 7
1. 禁止反悔原则 7
2. 公知技术抗辩原则 8
二、 专利侵权等同原则在国外的适用 10
(一) 美国适用等同原则的状况 10
(二) 日本适用等同原则的状况 11
(三) 德国适用等同原则的状况 11
(四) 各国适用等同原则之比较 12
三、 我国适用等同原则存在的不足和完善建议 13
(一) 我国适用等同原则的状况 13
(二) 我国专利侵权等同原则适用中存在的缺陷 14
1. 适用等同原则的启动争议 14
2. 等同原则的适用规则过于机械化 14
3. 对于适用等同原则的限制过度 15
4. 法官的专利技术领域的知识水平有待提高 15
(三)我国专利侵权等同原则适用的完善建议 16
1. 促进专利法律法规的完善 16
2. 灵活运用等同原则的适用规则 16
3. 合理适用等同原则的限制性规则 17
4. 提高法官专利领域专业技术的能力 17
结语 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 22