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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-02-15 22:11:00  


摘 要



关键词 :学区划分 法律程序 义务教育

A study on the legal issues of compulsory education school district division


China is currently in the stage of social transformation, the education sector decision-makers education resources excessive input to the neglect of education compulsory education in primary and secondary education a serious shortage of funds, excellent education resources are very limited, unbalanced development of education, so in order to ensure that school-age children equal right to education, the school district division system came into being.

Although China's "Compulsory Education Law" provisions of the compulsory education stage student entrance examination, the nearest school and other school district division principle, but it does not specify how to implement these principles. This paper aims at analyzing the legal problems of administrative behavior in the process of the school district division, intended to be our primary and secondary school district is divided into the orbit of rule of law, fairness and justice in order to the school district division, thus effectively protect the right to education of school-age children and adolescents.

This article will start to introduce a more urgent problem at present "district division" problem from occurring in a real case of Nanjing, with the country for increasing the proportion of investment in education, parents pay more and more attention to the child's education, do not let their children lose at the starting line almost every parent's goal and desire, and how to ensure the children of compulsory education of the right to education equity becomes a big deal, no matter how he is in one place, he places the economy, we should try to give each of the motherland in the future pillars of at least one of the most relative equality.

Key word:School district,legal procedure,compulsory education

目 录



一、问题的缘起 1

(一)乱象丛生 2

(二)社会根源 2

二、学区划分及其意义 3

(一)学区划分制度的定性:行政规范性文件 3

(二)学区划分的意义 3

三、学区划分的法律规制的现状及存在的问题 5

(一)学区划分法律规制的现状 5

(二)学区划分面临的问题 6

1.学区划分的程序不健全 6

2.学区划分民主参与制度不完善 6

3.学区划分公开制度不深入 7

四、学区划分的立法完善 7

(一)问题的分析与改革 7

1.做到程序中立 7

2.加深程序公开 8

3.完善程序参与 8

(二)确定学区划分的原则 9

1.实体性原则 9

2.程序性原则 10

(三)明确学区划分的主体及权责 11

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14


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