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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2022-01-16 17:54:25  


摘 要


关键词:业主 住宅物业管理 业主委员会 建筑物区分所有权

Improvement of the legal system of property management in residential communities in China -- from the perspective of the protection of owners' rights and interests Abstract

With the change of people's living mode, property management in residential areas has become a common phenomenon. The quality of property management is closely related to the quality of life of the owners and the harmony and stability of the community. In the real society, property service enterprises and property owners are often in a contradictory perspective. Violations of the legitimate rights and interests of property owners occur frequently, and the final results are often attributed to helplessness and cannot be properly solved. Therefore, it is of great practical significance and theoretical value to study the problems existing in the relevant legal system of property management and put forward feasible Suggestions to strengthen the protection of owners' rights and interests. The legal relations related to owners' rights and interests in the property management of residential communities mainly include four pairs of legal relations: owners and owners committee, owners and property service enterprises, owners and government, owners and other owners. The violation of the owners' rights and interests mainly reflects that the owners' committee rents out the common part of the owners and the property service enterprises rent parking Spaces to external users without authorization, misappropriates maintenance funds, cuts off water and electricity without authorization, lacks security measures, and the neighboring owners add and rebuild the houses without authorization. The main reasons for the infringement of owners' rights are the difficulty of the establishment of owners' committee, the unclear litigation subject, the omission, the insufficient service consciousness and quality of property service enterprises and the insufficient government intervention. Finally, it discusses the legal perfection and system construction of owners' rights protection, and strives to strengthen the protection of owners' rights from the source.

Key words: The owner; Residential property management; Owners' committee;

目 录

摘要 I

Improvement of the legal system of property management in residential communities in China -- from the perspective of the protection of owners' rights and interests Abstract II

一、引言 1

二、我国住宅小区物业管理中与业主相关的法律关系梳理 2

(一)业主与业主委员会:委托与代理的关系 2

(二)业主与物业服务企业:委托合同关系 2

(三)业主与政府:指导监督关系 2

(四)业主与其他业主:相邻关系 3

四、我国住宅小区物业管理中侵犯业主权益的主要情形 5

(一)业主委员会对业主权益的侵犯 5

(二)物业服务企业侵害业主权益的情形 5

1.物业服务企业出租停车位给外来用户 5

2.擅自挪用维修基金现象普遍 6

3.擅自断水电 7

4.安保措施缺乏 7

(三)业主对其他业主的权利侵害 7

五、住宅小区业主权益受到侵犯的主要原因分析 9

(一)业主委员会成立难 9

(二)业主委员会的诉讼主体资格不明确 9

(三)业主委员会不作为 10

(四)缺乏对业主委员会监督机制 10

(五)物业服务企业服务意识及质量不足 11

(六)政府干预不足 11

1.指导与监督不到位 12

2.纠纷化解渠道较为单一 12

六、完善我国住宅小区物业管理法律制度的几点建议 13

(一)业主委员会立法与制度完善 13

1.增强法制宣传,提高业主自治意识 13

2.完善立法,明确业主委员会主体资格、提供制度保障 13

3.健全机制,规范业主委员会运作 14

4.强化监管,形成常态化的监督机制 15

(二)物业管理企业的立法与制度完善 15

1.规范物业管理招投标立法 15

2.完善物业管理企业资质管理制度 15

3.完善物业管理服务收费管理制度 16

4.完善物业共用部位共用设施设备维修基金制度 16

5.多部门联动保障业主安全 16

(三)政府加强指导,创建多元化纠纷解决渠道 16

1.加强政府指导 16

2.诉调结合,畅通多元化纠纷解决渠道 17

结语 18

参考文献 19

致谢 21





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