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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-12-23 20:50:10  


摘 要



关键词 :情谊行为 民事法律行为 侵权责任 法律规制


In the process of the continuous development of society, the relationship of interpersonal communication is increasingly close, and the social communication behaviors such as drinking together, riding together with good intentions, self-help travel together and so on, which are generated to enhance feelings, are also emerging in an endless stream. Meanwhile, the damage caused by the friendship behavior often occurs. But because the friendship behavior belongs to the fact of daily communication, not a civil legal behavior, and does not produce the effect of private law, the court's support for the victim's petition in the friendship behavior in practice, coupled with the recognition gradually given by the public, has led to the situation that the boundary between the friendship behavior and the legal behavior is not clear, and there are difficulties in the application of law in practice, which is the basis of the judgment It's not easy to find, different judges have different understanding and other issues need to be solved, which inspired me to study this topic.

In our country, the theoretical study of friendship is lack of depth, and there are no relevant provisions in the civil law and contract law. Therefore, this study can make up for the lack of research on friendship, deepen the research on the tort liability closely related to it, and make the disputes on friendship caused by the lack of theory and the difficulty in the application of law in practice based on the reasonable tort liability On the basis of identification and commitment, we can get a better solution and more fully protect the interests of the people. By considering the reality of how to impute the liability for the tort of friendship behavior in China, this paper explores the conclusion of the method of identifying and dealing with the liability for the tort of friendship behavior

Key words: legal regulation of tort liability of civil legal act of friendship act


中文摘要 Ⅰ

英文摘要 Ⅱ

一、 情谊行为概述 4

(一)情谊行为的定义 4

(二)情谊行为与民事法律行为的区别 4

1.民事法律行为的核心要素 5

2.情谊行为没有接受法律约束的意思 5

3.情谊行为没有缔结法律关系的目的 5

二、 情谊行为侵权责任的认定和处理 5

(一)现状 5

1.立法现状............................................ .................................................................6

2.司法现状............................................ .................................................................6

(二)情谊行为侵权责任的认定 7

(三)情谊行为侵权责任的处理 8

1.承担 8

2.抗辩 8

(1)责任减免的条件 8

(2)责任减免的依据 9

三、 情谊行为侵权责任认定和处理的完善 9

(一)情谊侵权责任构成要件 10

(二)情谊行为侵权责任归责原则 12

(三)情谊行为侵权责任减免事由 12

结语 15

参考文献 16

  1. 情谊行为概述


德国学者梅迪库斯对情谊行为进行了描述,他认为情谊行为属于社会层面上的行为,在法律行为之外的领域存在着情谊行为,不存在依法导致后果的可能[1]。德国的通说认为情谊行为属于社会领域的生活事实,当事人不存在受法律约束的意思表示。在英美法系中,情谊行为 又有着“君子协定”的别称,婚姻与家庭领域中不断发生着情谊行为引发的协定。我国的台湾学者王泽鉴教授与大陆学者王利明教授用“好意施惠关系”来给其定义,台湾学者黄立教授称之为“施惠行为”,而张平华副教授将之称为“君子协定”[2],对于情谊行为的解释,根据揭傒斯《得程翰林扬州消息》诗所进行的描述可见一斑,"君怀经纶忧,余负灾疾妨,骞沉固异趣,情谊结中肠。”由此可以探知到,情谊意指不同主体之间基于关爱与照拂乃至帮助的交情,没有全部参与者必须相熟的硬性规定。


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