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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-12-23 20:49:21  


摘 要



关键词:公司清算 清算义务人 强制清算

Research on some problems of company non-bankruptcy liquidation system


In recent years, after the dissolution of the company, there are many phenomena such as lazy liquidation and illegal liquidation, which urge us to pay more attention to the protection of the rights and interests of the subject of liquidation obligations. From behind these phenomena, we can see that although our country has clear provisions on the liquidation system, there is a legislative gap in the issue of no liquidation after the dissolution of the company, which is also the reason for the dislocation in judicial practice and legislative application.

At present, our country's company liquidation system exists problems mainly include: first, the scope of liquidation subject is mixed in legislation and justice;Second, there is confusion in the liquidation obligation; Third, the starting procedure of the company liquidation is not clear, and there is no clear liquidation period; Fourth, it is difficult to investigate the liquidation compensation liability. In order to improve the legal system of corporate liquidation in China, we should concentrate on the below aspects: first, in the identification of the liquidation subject, we should consider whether the coexistence of the liquidation group and the liquidation obligor is necessary, whether it causes the complexity of the liquidation process, and whether the responsibility is overlapped; second, before liquidation, we should first define the liquidation subject, and after the dissolution of the company, we should establish the dissolution registration system The third is to improve the application of compulsory liquidation and protect the interests of creditors. The fourth is that courts at all levels should unify standards and issue more guiding cases to provide positive guidance for the problems existing in the cases of company liquidation.

Key words: Company liquidation; Liquidation obligor; Compulsory liquidation


摘 要 I

Abstract II

引言 1

一、公司非破产清算的内涵、成因和意义 2

(一)公司非破产清算的内涵 2

1.公司非破产清算的界定 2

2.公司非破产清算的特征 2

(二)公司非破产清算的成因——解散 3

1.自行解散而引起的清算 4

2.强制解散而引起的清算 4

(三)公司解散清算的意义 4

1.对于债权人利益的保护 4

2.对于股东利益的保护 5

3.维持良好的社会秩序 5

二、我国公司非破产清算制度的现状及存在问题 6

(一)我国公司非破产清算制度的制度现状 6

(二)我国公司非破产清算制度存在的问题 7

1.公司清算主体范围不明确 7

2.清算程序上存在的问题 8

3.清算法律责任规定的缺失 9

三、完善公司非破产清算制度的思考 10

(一)确定公司清算主体 10

(二)完善清算程序方面的措施 10

1.建立解散后登记备案制度 10

2.整合清算组和清算义务人,简化清算程序 11

3.明确清算期限,完善强制清算的适用 11

(三)明确赔偿责任举证责任 12

结语 14

参考文献 15

致谢 17









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