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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-12-23 20:45:20  


摘 要



关键词 :电子数据 刑事诉讼 取证 证明力 可采性

Thinking about the Application of Electronic Data in Criminal Procedure


With the rapid progress of science and technology, especially the rapid development of Internet technology and information technology, electronic data emerged as its iconic product and emerged in criminal proceedings. The Criminal Procedure Law, which came into effect in 2013, officially established electronic data as one of the new types of independent evidence. Its legal status is self-evident. As the future "king of evidence", electronic data can foresee its stage in the judicial field Shanghai will definitely play an irreplaceable role, so it is necessary to fully study the application of electronic data in criminal proceedings.

This article is divided into four parts to study the application of electronic data in criminal proceedings. The first part summarizes the basic concepts of electronic data related research by well-known domestic scholars, and distinguishes them from computer evidence, digital evidence, audio-visual materials and other related concepts, and further summarizes the special attributes of electronic data. The second part is from the current legislative and judicial status of our country as an entry point, pointing out that the legislative concepts related to electronic data are backward, the forensic technology is insufficient, and the conflicts with civil rights, etc. will encounter problems in judicial practice, and targeted In-depth cause analysis of these problems. The third part intends to study the specific application of electronic data in foreign criminal proceedings by comparing the Anglo-American law system and the civil law system, so as to further provide some reference for the application of electronic data in China's judicial practice. Finally, the fourth part still puts forward corresponding suggestions on the problems encountered by electronic data in criminal proceedings from the legislative and judicial aspects.

Key words: electronic data; criminal proceedings; forensics; proof; admissibility


中文摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

引言 1

一、刑事诉讼中电子数据的基本理论 2

(一) 电子数据的基本概念及相关概念的区分 2

1、电子数据的基本概念 2

2、电子数据证据与计算机证据 3

3、 电子数据证据与数字证据 3

4、电子数据证据与视听资料 3

(二)刑事诉讼中电子数据的特征 4

1、 内在实质上的无形性 4

2、外在表现上的多样性 4

3、客观真实性 4

4、易破坏性 5

二、我国刑事诉讼中电子数据的应用存在的问题及原因分析 6

(一)立法方面 6

1、现行立法观念落后 6

2、缺乏专门性法律 6

(二)司法方面 7

1、难以确定犯罪现场 7

2、缺乏专门的取证技术及人员 7

3、电子数据在收集提取的过程中与公民权的冲突 8

4、电子数据证据保全难度较大 8

5、缺乏统一的电子数据鉴定标准 8

(三)电子数据在刑事诉讼中存在问题的原因分析 9

三、国外刑事诉讼中电子数据的应用研究及对我国的启示和思考 10

(一)国外刑事诉讼中电子数据的应用研究 10

1、英美法系对电子数据的应用研究 10

2、 大陆法系对电子数据的应用研究 11

(二)国外电子数据证据规则对我国的借鉴 11

四、完善我国刑事诉讼中电子数据应用的建议 12

(一)立法方面 12

1、转变立法观念,巩固电子数据独立证据地位 12

2、完善相关法律制度 12

(二)司法方面 13

1、强制网络服务提供者提供电子数据记录 13

2、完善电子数据取证技术,加强电子数据取证队伍建设 13

3、 平衡司法权与公民权的冲突 13

4、 完善刑事诉讼中电子数据证据保全制度 14

5、统一电子数据鉴定标准 14

参考文献: 15

致谢 17


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