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基于Google Earth Engine的长三角地区陆表水体遥感监测毕业论文

 2022-01-07 21:46:00  


摘 要


本文以长三角地区为研究区域,针对目前遥感影像存在的占用存储空间大、处理速度慢等问题,基于Google Earth Engine平台,利用高速云处理能力获取了1987-2016年间部分年份的Landsat影像,制作最小云量影像集。为获取最佳水体提取效果,本文通过对单波段阈值法、NDWI、MNDWI、NWI指数法、监督分类法五种方法,以及不同的阈值选择方法,综合各个精度指标,最终选定NDWI方法,并使用大津阈值法确定其水体提取阈值。


关键词:陆表水体 Google Earth Engine 水体指数 面积变化

Remote sensing monitoring of surface water in the Yangtze river delta region based on Google Earth Engine


Open surface water is an important part of water resources, which plays a pivotal role in climate regulation and biodiversity protection. At present, the special distribution of open surface water body is affected by the rapid economic development and the increasing degree of urbanization. The overall ecological environment of water resources is greatly challenged, such as water source pollution, reduction of water resource reserves and so on. Therefore, it is of great significance for the decision-making of water resources protection to obtain and analyze the evolution of long-term land surface water distribution and find out the main driver of water evolution.

We select the Yangtze River Delta as the research area. In consideration of the problems of large storage space requirements and slow processing speed of remote sensing image. We obtained Landsat images of some years between 1987 and 2016 based on Google Earth Engine, a cloud platform with high performance processing capacity. These images were used to produce the data set of minimum cloud image. To obtain the best result of water extract, we selects the NDWI method and use the OTSU threshold method to determine its water extraction threshold by synthesizing five methods including single-band threshold method, NDWI, MNDWI, NWI index method and supervised classification method as well as different threshold selection methods.

By the analysis of the temporal and spatial changes of surface water in the Yangtze River Delta from 1987 to 2016 and the influence of climate and human activities on surface water changes, we found that the overall surface water of the Yangtze River Delta was shrinking. What’s more, the enhancement of human activities was the main reason for the decrease of a large and continuous area of surface water, while the change of a small area of surface water was the result of the joint action of climate and human activities. In the western part of Yangtze River Delta, the change of surface water is greatly affected by climate, and in the eastern part of the Yangtze River Delta, the changes of surface water are greatly affected by human activities.

Keywords:open surface water body mapping; Google Earth Engine;water index;area change

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究目标与研究内容 2

1.4 技术路线 3

第二章 研究区概况与数据预处理 4

2.1 研究区概况 4

2.2 数据及预处理 5

2.2.1 Landsat影像数据 5

2.2.2长三角水体真值数据 6

2.2.3 气候数据及人类活动数据 6

第三章 基于GEE与Landsat影像的陆表水体提取 7

3.1 Google Earth Engine平台概况 7

3.2 基于遥感影像的水体提取方法 7

3.2.1 单波段阈值法 7

3.2.2 指数法 7

3.2.3 监督分类 9

3.3 精度评定方法 9

3.4 实验与分析 10

3.4.1 实验设计 10

3.4.2 水体提取结果 11

3.4.3 精度评价结果 12

第四章 长三角陆表水体演变时空分析 14

4.1水体及驱动因素变化检测 14

4.1.1 水体变化判断 14

4.1.2 长三角地区气候及人类活动变化 14

4.1.3 水体区域变化监测及驱动因素的不确定性 15

4.2 水体变化及驱动因素分析 16

4.2.1 多时相水体变化 16

4.2.2 水体空间分布与演变 16

4.2.3 陆表水体变化驱动力分析 17

第五章 结论与展望 19

5.1 研究成果与总结 19

5.2 不足与展望 19

5.2.1本文不足 19

5.2.2研究展望 19

参考文献 21

致谢 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与研究意义



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