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基于Google Earth Engine的长三角地区植被覆盖提取及分析毕业论文

 2022-01-07 21:45:39  


摘 要

植被覆盖变化是衡量地表生态环境的重要参数之一,长三角地区作为我国第一大经济区,其生态环境及植被覆盖情况受到广泛关注。本文以遥感技术为基础,基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)平台,以Landsat时间序列影像为数据源,综合应用像元二分法、一元线性回归法,分析了长江三角洲地区植被覆盖的空间分布和动态变化特征。


关键词:植被覆盖度 GEE平台 像元二分模型 动态监测

Extraction and Analysis of Vegetation Coverage in the Yangtze River Delta Based on Google Earth Engine Platform


The change of vegetation coverage is one of the important parameters to measure the surface ecological environment. As the largest economic zone in my country, the Yangtze River Delta region has received extensive attention for its ecological environment and vegetation coverage. In this paper, based on remote sensing technology, based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, using Landsat time series images as data sources, the pixel dichotomy and univariate linear regression methods are comprehensively applied to analyze the spatial distribution and dynamic changes of vegetation coverage in the Yangtze River Delta region.

First, use the maximum value synthesis method to select multi-year image data and calculate the NDVI index, calculate the vegetation coverage (FVC) based on the pixel dichotomy, analyze the spatial distribution characteristics of the vegetation coverage in the Yangtze River Delta, and then use the slope univariate linear regression method to calculate the vegetation coverage change trend To analyze the spatial and temporal changes of vegetation coverage in the study area. The research results show that: 1) the use of the GEE platform provides a feasible solution for the storage and processing of remote sensing images in a large-scale research area; 2) the overall condition of the vegetation in the Yangtze River Delta region is good from 2013 to 2019, with medium to high coverage, and the area accounts for The ratio is maintained at about 30%, but it has decreased by nearly 6% in the past 6 years, and the proportion of areas with low coverage and medium and low coverage has increased by 3% and 5%, respectively; 3) The vegetation coverage of each province in the study area has different degrees The area of obvious improvement is mainly concentrated at the junction of central Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province, and the vegetation degradation in the mountainous area in the study area is more serious, with more mild degradation and even obvious degradation areas.

Key Words: Vegetation coverage GEE platform Pixel dichotomy Dynamic Monitoring


第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1基于遥感影像的植被覆盖提取研究 2

1.2.2基于GEE的环境遥感应用研究 3

1.3研究目标及内容 4

1.3.1研究目标 4

1.3.2研究内容 4

1.3.3研究路线 5

第二章 研究区概况及数据预处理 7

2.1研究区概况 7

2.2 基于GEE平台的遥感影像处理 7

2.3数据源与数据预处理 8

2.3.1陆地卫星影像及预处理 8

2.3.2长江三角洲区划矢量数据及预处理 10

2.3.3长江三角洲土地覆被数据及预处理 10

第三章 长三角地区NDVI和FVC提取 13

3.1像元二分法提取NDVI 13

3.1.1归一化植被指数原理与计算 13

3.1.2像元二分模型 14

3.1.3 像元二分模型参数的确定 14

3.2实验与讨论 15

第四章 植被覆盖度分布特征及变化分析 17

4.1植被覆盖度时空分布特征分析 17

4.1.1江苏省植被覆盖度分布 18

4.1.2安徽省植被覆盖度分布 19

4.1.3浙江省植被覆盖度分布 20

4.2植被覆盖度时空变化分析 21

4.2.1 整体时空变化特征 21

4.2.2 江苏省植被覆盖度时空变化 23

4.2.3 安徽省植被覆盖度时空变化 23

4.2.4 浙江省植被覆盖度时空变化 24

4.2.5 上海市植被覆盖度时空变化 25

4.3植被覆盖度变化趋势分析 26

第五章 总结与展望 29

5.1总结 29

5.2不足与展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 33

第一章 引言


植被是指覆盖于地球外表面的众多植物群落,是陆地生态系统中重要的一环,对人类居住环境起着温度调节、空气净化、水源保护等功能,对全球生态系统的整体循环和能量转换也有着举足轻重的作用,在大气圈、土壤圈、水圈、生态圈中占据着重要地位。而植被作为生态系统中重要的组成部分之一,其变化情况对于衡量区域生态系统稳定性有着不可忽视的作用。植被覆盖度(Fractional Vegetation Cover,FVC)则是指植被(含茎、枝、叶)在地面垂直投影面积占研究区总面积的百分比,是刻画地表植被覆盖的重要参数,可以用来检测不同尺度的地表覆盖情况,是评价区域生态环境的重要指标[1]。


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