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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 地理信息科学 > 正文


 2021-10-28 20:46:57  

摘 要


在这篇论文中,笔者利用后裔采集器采集2020年2月1日至2020年3月15日微博上关于“新冠肺炎”的博文;调用百度AI平台发布的情感倾向性分析接口来进行博文的情感倾向提取;建立情绪指数模型以表达各省的情绪;通过对情绪的时间序列分析探究各省的情绪变化规律以及全国情绪的变化规律;通过情绪与经济的相关性分析探究情绪对经济的影响;通过计算Moran’s I指数探究各省情绪在地理位置上的相关性。




Based on statistics from Weibo, this paper extracts the emotional data and visualize the emotional space by collecting massive data from Weibo related to "covid-19" keywords published by self media and individual users during the outbreak about covid-19.Furthermore,the author explores the impact of covid-19 on national mood and the economic impact of mood.

This paper uses the descendant collector to get basic data, and uses the sentiment tendency analysis interface published on Baidu AI platform to extract emotion data, then establishes a sentiment index model to show the sentiment of each province, and then explores the variation rule of the sentiment of each province and the whole country by time series analysis, explores the influence that sentiment does on economics by analyzing the correlation between them. In the end, explores the correlation between adjoining provinces’ sentiment by calculating Moran’s I index.

In the end, the empirical research finds that from 1st Feb,2020 to 15th Mar,2020,the mood from the national response to covid-19 has gone through three stages: from mild to severe, then back to mild. The key time point is 14th Feb, 25th Feb and 3rd Mar, the paper finds out the emotional curve has an overall trend of slow decline and shows a "W" type fluctuation feature of descending partly and then ascending and back to descending. The mood changes of each province showed obvious overall similarity and has the same periodic rule. In the meantime, the conclusion shows there is a positive correlation between the national average sentiment curve and the Shanghai composite index curve on the whole. And we can see two curves have strong variation similarity locally. In the end, by spatial correlation analysis of each province’s average sentiment, we can conclude that there are mild positive correlations between each province’s sentiment in the whole country and high similarity of sentiment in specific area.

Key words:Web crawler;Emotional excavation;Chinese segmentation;Sentiment tendency analysis by Baidu AI;Spatial autocorrelatio

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 研究内容与技术路线 2

1.3 章节安排 3

第2章 研究基础 4

2.1 信息采集 4

2.1.1 信息采集的背景与发展现状 4

2.1.2 爬虫的设计与实现方法 4

2.2 文本预处理 5

2.2.1 中文分词 5

2.2.2 词义消歧 6

2.2.3 新词发现 7

2.3 微博情感分析 7

2.3.1 微博情感分析的背景与发展现状 7

2.3.2 微博情感分析的主要算法与实现 8

2.3.3 百度AI的情感倾向性分析 9

2.4 本章小结 9

第3章 情绪挖掘的相关工作详述 10

3.1 信息采集 10

3.2 百度AI情感倾向分析接口的调用 10

3.3 情绪指数模型的建立 13

第4章 情绪统计分析 14

4.1 情绪的时间序列分析 14

4.1.1 各省情绪的时间序列分析 14

4.1.2 全国情绪的时间序列分析 14

4.2 全国情绪与经济的相关性分析 16

4.2.1 情绪对经济的影响模型 16

4.2.2 全国情绪与上证指数的相关性分析 17

4.3 情绪的空间自相关分析 18

4.3.1 各省情绪的空间可视化 18

4.3.2 全国情绪的空间自相关分析 22

结论 25

参考文献 26

致谢 28

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