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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 地理信息科学 > 正文


 2021-04-05 13:18:16  

摘 要

洞庭湖是中国第二大淡水湖,是长江重要的吞吐型调蓄湖泊,研究洞庭湖面积变化并综合分析影响洞庭湖面积变化的因素对整个区域的发展具有重要意义。本文基于Terra/MODIS数据16天合成的500m数据产品MOD09A1,利用水体指数法结合决策树分类法提取出2000年~2015年间的洞庭湖面积,并利用更高精度的30m空间分辨率的Landsat TM数据进行精度验证。分别从年内以及年际间对洞庭湖面积进行时空特征变化分析:洞庭湖面积年内波动大,表现出明显的季节性,夏季面积大,冬季面积小;2000年~2015年洞庭湖面积整体上呈现出减少的趋势。年内以及年际间洞庭湖面积减小的区域主要位于高程相对较高的区域,如东南洞庭湖的南部、南洞庭湖的西北部、目平湖的西部等,面积较稳定的区域主要分布在高程相对较低的区域,如大通湖、七里湖等。再结合气象数据资料等分析影响洞庭湖面积变化的因素中,研究表明:降水温度对洞庭湖面积变化的相关性较小;长江与洞庭湖交汇的三口的入湖水量和沙量与洞庭湖面积变化的相关性大,并且三峡工程通过调节三口的入湖水量和沙量间接影响着洞庭湖的变化;由于围湖造田使得洞庭湖水体转化为耕地、草地也是洞庭湖面积减小的原因。



Dongting Lake is the second largest freshwater lake in China,and it is also an important flood storage lake in the Yangtze River. It is of great significance for the development of the whole area to study the area change of Dongting Lake and find the factors. Based on the MOD09A1 500m data product synthesized by Terra/MODIS data, the water body index method combined with threshold classification method is used to extract the Dongting Lake area from 2000 to 2015, and the accuracy is verified by using the 30m Landsat TM data with higher precision. From the analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the Dongting Lake area during the year and years, the results show that the Dongting Lake area has large fluctuations during the year, showing obvious seasonality with large area in summer and small area in winter. From 2000 to 2015 Overall, there is a decreasing trend. During the years, The area where the area of Dongting Lake is reduced is mainly located in the relatively high elevation area, like the south of the Dongting Lake in the southeast, the northwest part of the South Dongting Lake, and the western part of the Muping Lake. The relatively stable area is mainly distributed in the lower elevation places, such as Datong Lake, Qili Lake, etc. Combined with meteorological data and other factors that affect the change of the area of Dongting Lake, the research shows that the correlation between precipitation or temperature and the change of Dongting Lake area is small; the amount of water entering the lake and the area of Dongting Lake where the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake meet The correlation is large, and the operation of the Three Gorges Project indirectly affects the change of Dongting Lake by regulating the amount of water entering the lake. It is also caused by the conversion of the Dongting Lake water into cultivated land and grassland.

Key Words:Dongting Lake; the area of lake; MODIS; Water extraction


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状与进展 1

1.2.1湖泊面积提取方法研究 1

1.2.2湖泊面积动态变化研究 2

1.3研究目的及意义 3

1.4研究内容与技术路线 4

1.4.1研究内容 4

1.4.2技术路线 4

第2章 研究区概况及数据基础 6

2.1研究区概况 6

2.1.1位置境域 6

2.1.2气候水文 7

2.1.3社会经济 7

2.1.4生态环境 8

2.2数据基础 8

2.2.1遥感数据 8

2.2.2气象数据 10

2.2.3地形基础数据 11

2.2.4洞庭湖边界数据 11

2.2.5土地利用分类数据 11

2.2.6入湖水量沙量数据 12

第3章 洞庭湖水域面积提取研究 13

3.1基于遥感影像的水体提取模型 13

3.2洞庭湖水域面积提取研究 14

3.2.1遥感影像预处理 15

3.2.2确定阈值 15

3.2.3精度验证 16

第4章 洞庭湖水域面积时空变化特征 18

4.1年内变化 18

4.2年际变化 19

4.3洞庭湖高程分析 20

第5章 洞庭湖水域面积变化影响因素分析 22

5.1气象因素 22

5.1.1降水 22

5.1.2温度 22

5.2三峡工程 24

5.2.1入湖水量 24

5.2.2入湖沙量 24

5.3土地利用类型转移 25

第6章 结论与展望 27

6.1结论 27

6.2不足与展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第1章 绪论




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