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 2022-01-30 22:00:07  


摘 要




关键词: 图像测距;OpenCV;Canny边缘检测;目标检测;单目视觉测量

The Design and Implementation of OpenCV-Based Image Short Range Measurement System


In industrial production and life, we will inevitably encounter how to determine and measure the position of the target object—that is, distance measurement. The traditional distance measurement method is contact type and needs to be in direct contact with the target object. However, image-based ranging is non-contact[1].

The paper first introduced the background of the design and analyzed the current situation and social needs of image ranging. Then a simple ranging scheme is proposed based on monocular visual ranging, and an algorithm that can quickly and easily perform image short range ranging is applied. Then introduced the computer vision library OpenCV and its image processing related content, and applied to the Canny edge detection and target detection in-depth study. Finally, this image short-distance ranging software system was designed with Python as the main programming language combined with OpenCV. The interface program of the system uses the GUI tool kit PyQt5.

In the end, the paper records the errors of ranging results and ranging, and describes the problems encountered in the experiment, analyzes the reasons, proposes improvement measures, and provides reference for future in-depth research.

Key Words : image ranging;OpenCV;Canny edge detection; target detection; monocular vision measurement

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 设计背景 1

1.2 图像测距技术的发展 1

1.3 图像测距的社会需求 2

1.4 论文的研究内容及安排 2

1.4.1 研究内容 2

1.4.2 论文安排 2

第二章 测距算法与软件环境搭建 3

2.1需求分析 3

2.2计算机视觉库OpenCV 3

2.3 Python语言及其优势 4

2.4 图像测距算法 4

2.4.1散焦图像测距法 4

2.4.2成像平面测算法 5

2.4.3相似三角形算法 5

2.5 用户界面 6

2.6 软件平台搭建 6

第三章 基于OpenCV的图像处理与检测技术 8

3.1 图像加载 8

3.2 图像预处理 9

3.2.1 灰度图像 9

3.2.2 图像平滑 10

3.3 canny边缘检测 12

3.3.1 基于边缘信息的目标检测 12

3.3.2 Canny边缘检测 13

3.3.2 Canny边缘检测的步骤 13

3.4基于训练器的目标检测 14

3.4.1 HOG描述符 14

3.4.2 图像金字塔 16

3.4.3 滑动窗口 16

3.4.4 非最大抑制与SVM 16

3.4.5 人检测 17

第四章 软件设计 19

4.1系统处理流程 19

4.2 程序设计 19

4.2.1 界面程序部分 19

4.2.2 操作程序部分 21

第五章 数据、误差分析和设计改进 25

5.1 实验数据 25

5.2 误差分析 28

5.3 设计改进 29

结 语 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 32

第一章 绪 论

1.1 设计背景





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