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 2022-01-30 21:59:45  


摘 要


关键词:Qt SQLite 界面设计 Windows

Design and Implementation of the embedded Multi-channel Video Monitoring System Based on Qt


With the development of social science and technology, more and more emerging technologies are constantly emerging. Internet of things technology is one of the hottest technology fields at present. The Internet of things has developed rapidly. It has been developed by the Internet, traditional communication networks and other network technologies. It allows individuals to exchange information and share data independently of each other. At the same time, people are not limited to the user demand for various kinds of hardware and software on the text content, and in daily life for voice, images, video and other multimedia business with greater demand. At the same time, due to the frequent occurrence of social traffic accidents and the frequent occurrence of disputes, people have a growing demand for the application of vehicle video monitoring system. Internet of vehicles is a network technology developed according to People's Daily needs. Through the Internet of things technology, the vehicle information is transmitted to the network information platform through the network to provide real-time control of the vehicle. This topic application scenario is covered with WiFi inside the airport bus of the airport, the airport staff can take advantage of the vehicle monitoring system based on the bus from the airport collected four directions around the real-time video controls, this graduation design topic is on the Windows platform based on Qt on-board embedded multi-channel video monitoring system, the design and implementation of the research content is part of the vehicle monitoring system. The interface part of video monitoring software system was made by combining Qt software, SQLite database and other technologies. The software interface design of video monitoring software system was carried out by combining Qt with SQLite database.

Key Words : Qt; SQLite; Interface design; Windows

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 设计背景和意义 1

1.2 目前相关技术的发展情况 1

1.3 本文的安排 2

第二章 系统的需求分析 3

2.1 需求分析 3

2.1.1 系统界面设计分析 3

2.1.2 数据库表设计分析 7

2.2 Qt概述 10

2.2.1 Qt简介 10

2.2.2 Qt编译 11

2.3 SQLite数据库 12

2.3.1 SQLite数据库概述 12

2.3.2 SQLite数据库安装 12

2.3.3 SQLiteStudio简介 13

2.4 在Qt中使用SQLite数据库 14

2.4.1 Qt中的头文件Pro简介 14

2.4.2 Qt中使用SQLite数据库 15

第三章 系统的设计流程 16

3.1 程序流程分析 16

3.2 软件程序设计 18

3.2.1 工程中的功能类 18

3.2.2 程序界面的设计 21

3.2.3 表格设计与绑定 27

第四章 程序功能测试 30

4.1 程序的展示 30

4.2 总结与不足 32

结 语 33

参考文献 34

致 谢 35

第一章 绪 论

1.1 设计背景和意义



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